Chapter 6

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A/N: Hello, guys! It has been a while since the last time I updated and I'll keep posting without a schedule for all those reasons I've mentioned before. There'll be some swearing in this chapter (Just a warning if you're an easily offended person). Thank you for your comprehension, I hope you enjoy it!

One week later (Wednesday Morning)

Brian's P.O.V

"Freddie, please! I need your help!" I burst into the phone.

"Calm down, darling... what's all this hurry about?" He says. I think he's not used to seeing me so excited about something besides astronomy. If it were Roger or Freddie himself, it would be normal but John and I are the quieter ones.

"This Saturday is our first anniversary! It's been a year since Roger and I are together! Crazy, isn't it?" I've never been so excited. I must be ranting like a child about presents in the Christmas Eve.

"Oh this is great, honey! But, how can I help you?" He asks confused.

"I want to prepare something more intimate like a candle-lit dinner or a picnic, but it must be something we'll remember for the rest of our lives! So I was thinking if I could borrow Joe. Will you need him Friday night?" I hope he can lend me Joe. I can cook but I want something special for my baby.

"Due to the importance of the occasion, I can go a night without him. It's not like I'll starve to death." He answers jokingly.

"Bless you, Freddie! Thank you so much!" I'm more than relieved. At least, I have the food issue settled. The decoration will be simple – I wouldn't dare to ask Freddie's help with it.

"You're always welcome! Don't be shy to ask if you need anything else. I'll make sure that Joe will be there Friday night."

"Okay. Bye, Fred."

"Bye, darling."

I hang up the phone. I hear footsteps coming from the guest room; that's Roger.

"Hey, love. Who were you talking to on the phone?" He asks curious. Shit! Did he hear something about the surprise? I hope he didn't, that would ruin everything.

"It was only Freddie. He wanted to discuss some details about the next tour." I stutter out. I've always been a terrible liar. "We're going to America in a month, you know. There are a lot of little things to be resolved so that nothing goes wrong."

"Yeah, that's true... but I wonder why Freddie would want to talk about it over the phone. He usually holds a meeting at the studio with the four of us and Jim Beach... that's weird." My boyfriend frowns; he seems really deep in thought. Eventually, as overthinking isn't his thing, he gives up on the subject. "Freddie is a peculiar person. I don't think I'll ever get to understand him."

"Yeah, so do I." I agree, flashing a half smile at him. Thank God, he goes walking to the couch while he turns the TV on, not bothering to make any more questions. I remember leaving a kettle boiling in the kitchen, so I go to check on it. As soon as I turn the stove off and place the kettle on the counter to prepare some tea, I hear a screaming Roger.

"BRI! COME HERE RIGHT NOW! BRI, YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THOSE CRAZY FUCKS HAVE DONE THIS TIME!" There is both anger and horror in his voice, whatever happened it is far from good. I run to the living room, almost tripping on my own feet. When I get in the room, Roger stares at me almost crying then he motions towards the television screen. He turns up the volume so I can hear it better.

"Queerness between Queen members! Brian May and Roger Taylor are caught holding hands and caressing each other in an Italian restaurant one week ago! A man who felt extremely annoyed by their odd behavior has just sent us these shameful pictures of the guitarist and drummer to the world wide renowned British rock band Queen. We tried to get in touch with their manager earlier but we couldn't talk to him. We hope this kind of perversity in public to never happen again, whether it be between rock stars or ordinary guys. This is an insult to the traditional family and the so well-known British discretion..." I hear in disbelief as the man on TV blabs about us. The screen flashes two or three pictures of us – They just can be kidding. We're holding hands but there are not "caresses" as mentioned before – I turn my head to the opposite side from the television. This was the last thing we needed to happen.

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