The Arrogant Billionaire's Girl

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Im changing Damon's last name from Damon Alexander to Damon Knight.

Chapter Seven

Damon's pov

"Mr knight, the job is finished. The land is yours" informs Steve.

"Good. Now I want that cottage to be demolished" I ordered.

"Yes sir" he said and hung up. I smirked. That old man has to know his place. He should have known that I will get the land one way or the other. Even if I have to play dirty.

Again my phone started ringing. This time it was my friend Sebastian.

"What" I barked into the phone.

"What got you in such a lovely mood man?"he asks.

"Uh!!!I came to dentist tree for an appointment and an attention seeking girl is playing games with me telling she doesn't know who I am".

"Just accept it man. Your popularity has been diminished since you left" he laughed. I grunted.

"But why the dentist clinic bro? Don't tell me...Are you starting a new business that I don't know of?"he questions.

"No you idiot! I came here for my regular cleaning" I replied.

"Alright then dude. Call me when you are free. After four months you returned to new york man. So we have a lot to catch up" he said and then hung up. Now I have to go and face that stupid girl.

When I entered inside, she is placing her phone in the counter. Looks like she talked with someone.

When she saw me she said "sorry for the trouble Mr Knight. Looks like I'm going to be the one attending you". I frowned. What the....

Abigail's pov

He frowned and asked "are you a doctor? "

"No sir" I replied.
"Then why did you just tell me that you are going to attend me?" He questions.

"Look Mr knight, there had been some misunderstanding in your appointment" I informed him.

"Yeah I can tell that. Now what I'm asking is where is your doctor? " he snapped.

"Dr . Claudia left early and asked me to handle her patients. You came here for teeth cleaning right? I can do that for you" I replied.

"What kind of clinic is this. Leaving their patients to some receptionist who don't even have a dental degree" he barked. God..... this guy is really testing my patience.

"What kind of clinic does carl run here?" he said and took out his phone.

I panicked. Dr . Carl Whitman is our head doctor. He owns two hospitals and several clinics across the country. He doesn't know anything about me attending the patients. Now if this man inform him about this, then I'm fired.

"Sir please....don't tell him. I can do it for you. I swear, im good at this" I pleaded. God!!even for me it sounded pathetic and I hate it.

"Do u know who i am girl? I'm not ready to show my teeth to some inexperienced receptionist" he galred.

I didn't stop him further because I don't want to humiliate myself and appear to be weak in front of this arrogant man.

He took out his phone and called someone " what kind of clinic you run here Carlos!? Why are you allowing your receptionist to attend the patients? " he ask him.

Yupp...that's it. I'm finished. Might as well pack my things. Bye bye receptionist job.

"I'm not waiting. I will come by tomorrow. Better you be here when I come " he tells and ended the call.

"You are a jerk!!" I hissed at the man standing before me

The next moment, the clinic phone started ringing. I answered with a shaking hand "hello dentist tree dental clinic."

"Abigail this is Dr Whitman. Where is Claudia?" He asks.

"She left doctor"i answered.

"So I assume, what Mr knight told is true then?".

"Yes sir" I said and the jerk standing before me grabbed the receiver from my hand and said "Carlos fire her". My jaw hit the floor. What the hell!!!

Then he gave me the receiver and crossed his arms glaring at me.

"Sorry abby. What you did was wrong..hence you are fired. " said Dr Whitman on the other end.

"It was nice working for you sir. Have a good day" I held my head high and hung up.

"You deserve it for calling me a jerk" demon told me still glaring.

"Still i don't regret it. Just leave before I throw something at you" I barked. My blood is boiling at the sight of him.

He glared and opened his mouth to say something but his phone rang. He took out his phone, looked at the caller id and once again glared at me and left. I sighed and packed my things and gave the clinic key at the front office and went to my apartment .

I did not feel bad for getting fired. Because I know what I did was against the rule and I also know that Claudia will not get into trouble considering the fact that she is dr. Whitman's niece. But what I cannot digest is the fact that I got fired because of him. Because of that damn demon!!

After entering the apartment I changed into comfy pajamas and a loose tee shirt and sat on the couch with a chocolate ice cream tub. My phone started ringing. It was scarlet.

"Ya scar?"I answered. "Abby,tonight i will be late. A family dinner came up. Don't wait for me. I'm having the spare key. So I will let myself in" she said.

"Ok scar" I sighed and hung up. What a shitty day. Then I curled up in the sofa and slept.

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