The arrogant billionaire's girl

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Abigail's pov

     Its been a week since my firing incident. Even though im jobless, I didn't have enough time to search for a new job because of my new project in class. My project is to create the best interior design for a restaurant. It's the only thing keeping me busy from my thoughts of that man. Every time I think of that conversation with sam I get scared for some unknown reason.

A week earlier

I woke up the next morning and started getting ready for uni. Still i couldn't believe that I got fired yesterday. I didn't see scarlet anywhere. She must have stayed at her parent's house. Since she is not here to give me a ride,  I have to take the bus.

       By the time I arrived, my first class already started and it was half way through. So i went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. I got a chocolate muffin and went outside. There I saw Samantha, who was in my creative designing class. She saw me and waved at me to come there.

      I went and sat beside her. Samantha has red hair , a perfect heart shaped face and the body of a model. She even does modeling as part time. She is another one of my friend beside Liam.

"Hi abby. Don't you have class?"she questions me.

"I was late and my first class already started. So I skipped. What about you. Don't you have class?"I asked her.

"No. I have a free hour and came here to complete my paperwork" she shrugged.

        She then went back to doing her work and I started eating my muffin. Then I turned to her and asked the question bothering me since yesterday. "Hey Sam,  have you heard about any damon knight? ."

     She stopped doing her work and asked in a confused tone "Damon Knight? ."

I nodded "yeah. Damon knight. Is he some one important or popular?"

"But why do you ask?"she questions me. So I told her everything that happened yesterday.

She looks shocked for a moment and took out her phone, typed something and showed me. "Is this the guy ?" She asks.

There in the screen looking like a God with an arrogant smile is the same demon. I nodded my head vigorously and told "yes yes he's the one."

Again sam look dumbstruck for a moment and shrieked. "Oh my God abby. Do you even know who he is?".

I rolled my eyes "isn't that obvious sam? And for gods sake don't shout woman".

She calmed herself and said "abby he is the Damon knight. He owns most of the expensive luxurious hotels across the world. His father is the president of the knight industries. Knight industries is one of the leading industries in the country. His father is named as the King of stock markets. It is said that Damon knight will be getting the company soon. Thus that guy will become powerful. His family is one of the oldest millionaires of America. And ohh boy..that man looks like a greek god with that body and looks. Girls practically fall at his feet" she finishes her rant on Damon and started taking deep breaths.

       Now my muffin long forgotten. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish. I know that guy should be someone rich and important. But what I don't know that he is that important and powerful.

    Samantha started shaking me "earth to abby."

"Oh my God sam!! I don't even know what to say. I should have kept my mouth shut. I even called him a jerk. Im such an idiot. Am I in trouble sam?." I asked her in a panicked voice.

"Even though you calling him a jerk might have hurt the guy's ego, there's no chance that you both will be meeting again. As long as you don't cross paths with him, you should be safe" she says.

After hearing this i felt like I can breathe again. What she said is right. There is no way I will meet that guy again. So i think I'll survive. We then went to our classes.

During our next class Mrs Murray announced that we are going to do a project on designing the interior of a restaurant. We will be doing it in group of two members.The best three designs will be selected and those three groups will be given an opportunity to design the interior of new york's best three hotels.

End of flash back

We all already turned in our projects yesterday. So here we are waiting for Mrs Murray to announce the selected designs. Since my hand is shaking nervously I hold my partner liam's hand. Liam is my project partner. He squeezed my hand a little and that relaxed me a bit.

   "Allright I will be announcing the winning designs. I know you all are eager to hear it and so am I. So here we go...the three designs are green Valley, electric blue and...golden globe" she announced.

I was gobsmacked for a moment. Liam was literally jumping in his seat. Still I couldn't believe it.

"Oh my god abby, our golden globe got selected" he exclaimed and hugs me. I hugged him back. The designs are color themed. So we choose to go with gold since everyone thought gold is complicated, we decided to give it a go.  We really deserved this. We both put our hearts and souls into this project.

Mrs Murray's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Congratulations for the winning teams. So now moving on to the hotels you people are going to work with. ."

Now I was very eager to hear which hotel we will be working with.

"Green Valley with fortune hotel  and hence Miller and Adam will be working along with the hotel's interior designers. Electric blue with imperial hotel and likewise Henry and Michelle will be working along with the hotel's designers. Finally Golden globe with knight hotel and also abigail and liam will be working under the direct supervision of Mr . Damon Knight along with his interior designing team" she finishes and look up at me and liam and tells that "you both should be proud because you guys are working directly with Damon knight. All the best."
Wait a minute...why is that name familiar to me....

Then it strikes me....oh my god!!!!!this can't be happening....why me.......

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