The arrogant billionaire's girl

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Chapter nine

Abigail's pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Yesterday I didn't get that much of sleep. I tossed and turned in my bed thinking about what will happen today when that man saw me. Even Samantha looked at me with pity when I told her the news.

I got dressed into a simple beige colored dress which reached till my knees and a gold belt at the waist. I blow dried my hair and left it with my natural waves. I then applied light makeup and a nude pink lip gloss and got into the beige wedges given by scarlet. She is the one selected my today's outfit because first impression is always the best, her words not mine. I didn't tell sam where I will be working because I don't want her to worry about me unnecessarily. I just told her that it was some restaurant. Good thing she didn't ask much. Since liam is giving me a ride, scar left early.

When we reached the hotel my eyeballs nearly popped out of my sockets. It was so huge and don't even ask about the height of the building. It nearly touched the sky!!! When I looked at liam, his expression was same as mine.

"Damn!! I never thought knight hotel will be this huge" he muttered to himself.

We then entered through the golden framed glass doors. Every thing inside was in gold and cream. Now I understood why they chose our golden globe. These people were obsessed with gold, from the looks of it. Every single thing is gold colored with a tint of creamy white. There is a large water fountain in the middle.

A man In suit approached us. "May I help you" he asked.

Since I was busy looking around liam answered "yeah. We are from the new york University of interior designing. We-" that suit guy cut him off before liam completes his sentence " oh yeah. The University students. I know. Wait here" with that he went.

We both stood awkwardly in the center and a woman approached us. She has beautiful blonde hair and wore a red dress with red stilettos. She looks like a beach model. Liam was practically drooling.

"Hi I'm Laura, Mr knight's assistant " she shakes our hands and asked us to follow her.

We took the elevator and she pressed the thirtieth floor. She then turned to us and said "first I will be introducing you to our interior designers you will be working with. After Mr knight arrived, you can meet him." I gulped hearing that name.

We then stepped out of the elevator . This floor resembled an original office and not some hotel's typical office. People were busy with their works. She leads us to the back side and into a conference hall. There were six people in the room. There was a large round table and papers were scattered everywhere and they all seemed busy.

Laura cleared her throat. Every one looks up and greeted her and looks at me and Liam questioningly.

"These are the two university students that will work with you guys" Laura spoke.

Everyone came and introduced themselves. There was Luther, Mark, Steve, Jacob and maria. Maria looked at little older than the others..may be in late thirties. Luther and Jacob looked to be in their early twenties. Mark and Steve in late twenties. But appearance wise, all are drool worthy. Even maria.

When maria introduced herself to liam, that guy nearly fainted. I looked at liam questioningly. "Abby, she's maria jehovah, number one interior designer in the country. She's practically an interior designers GOD. We should be honored" he said in my ear.

After laura left, I went to give our design to maria. But she stopped me "darling, I'm the one that selected your design. So I know what's in that. There are certain things that you need to add before proceeding further. I informed my crew about those. You can ask from them. Any doubts, ask those men" she said pointing those four. After that she too left.

Then the guys started explaining what to change. I can very well see that Jacob and steve didn't welcome the idea of us joining them. They both hinted that they are not ready to work with some inexperienced kids. But Luther and mark warmed up to us. We were doing some changes in the design and it was cool working with them both and liam by my side.

Liam and mark bonded quickly due to their love of football. Luther was shamelessly flirting with me. But I can see that he's a harmless flirt. Jacob and Steve were in their own worlds and didn't acknowledge any of us. But I too don't mind that.

After some time I asked mark where the restroom is and went. After finishing my work I splashed some water on my face and took deep breaths. I was still anxious about meeting that demon. I then started walking towards the conference room. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't see where I was going, I went straight and collided with something. When I started to fall due to the force of the impact, two strong arms caught my shoulders and steadied me.

I looked up to whom it was and came face to face with a very handsom demon. He looked like a Greek god in that fitting black suit. He had an aura of arrogance and authority surrounding him. Oh God....why do you hate me so much I thought.

"Watch where you are going" he sneered. Wow!!Still the same demon. There were three very muscular men standing behind him. From the looks of it, one can easily identify that they were his bodyguards.

I looked to the ground and muttered "im sorry".

When I looked up, he was squinting his eyebrows like he was trying to figure something out. I gave a silent prayer to God to not return his memory of me.

Suddenly as if he recognized me, he asked "its you right? The receptionist girl in the dental clinic? What are you doing in my hotel?".
That's it. It's official that God hates me.

"Abby!!!? What are you doing here!? " a very familiar voice asked me.

I looked up and gasped in shock "Scarlet?!!."

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