The arrogant billionaire's girl

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Chapter twelve

Damon's pov

As I was comming from a meeting, I got a call from maria.

"Damon, what you asked for is impossible" she came straight to the point.

"Look important occasion came and I want it to be finished by one and a half months" I explained.

"Do you know what kind of work it is? No can do damon. I suggest you change your mind about the time line" she replied in an annoyed tone.

"Don't you have any other option? I really want it to be finished soon".

She was silent for a moment and replied "you know short on my assistance here. Already there are several ongoing projects I accepted before yours. So my teams are required there. If your restaurant is to be finished in one and a half month, me and my team need to work on yours alone. But I can't do that to my other clients."

"I know what I'm asking is a lot. But can't you do something about it? " I questioned.

"That's the thing damon. I will be able to finish the project with mark and those two university students alone but given the circumstances are not good enough as of now. Mark got a family emergency and asked a month leave. And that uni student liam came up with a flu. So he also won't be present for some weeks"

Damn! I really need this to be finished. I can't believe I'm gonna ask this. But at least I have to try because the restaurant is my main priority. I sighed. "What about the uni girl?Won't she able to do it with your assistance."

"Oh you mean abby. Yeah...she's a talented girl. But not a professional. And I also won't be there. So I need another one to assist her."

I thought for a moment and said "I will do it."

Maria gasped in shock and asked what I mean.

"I mean, she has the design. You give her the professional advice and assistance on your part. I will be with her as another professional and help her."

She was silent for a moment and said "aren't you a busy man damon? If you are to involve in this, you have to sacrifice most of your time."

"I can rearrange my schedules maria. You have no idea how much I want this to be finished."

She gave a silent laugh "actually I can tell that damon. Other wise you won't be wasting your time on this project or let alone talk with me for nearly fifteen minutes. Fine have to ask abby first. Because the girl is still in college. So she should be ready to work here sacrificing her studies for nearly a month."

"Leave it to me. I will take care of that" I said and hung up.

Even though I'm annoyed that i have to work with her , I know that finally I can get my restaurant done.


Abigail's pov

I was doing my college works when demon barged into the cabin wit his bodyguards in tow. Seriously.....who needs protection inside their own hotel. Maybe this handsomely arrogant guy standing before me does.

I stood up and looked at him confusingly.

"I'm here to give you a work proposal and you have to accept it" he said in monotone voice.

Woww!! Rude much?? He is telling me he has a proposal for me which I have yet to know and also asking me..more over like ordering me to accept it.

When I stood there with a poker face he said "you are to work for designing the restaurant. If you need any assistance you can ask maria. You alone has to focus on the restaurant for getting it done within a month and a half since your partner won't be able to come until he gets well."

I don't know where he's going with it. Since he is the one who approached me now, I decided to tell my opinion even though I'm scared to voice my thoughts.

"But as you told me before, I'm not a professional. So I can't complete it by myself without any professional and experienced help. And also I have classes. I will be able to work only two days a week" I replied calmly.

"Maria will assist you in any doubts. As for the experienced help, I can do it. And about your's been taken care of. You can continue your classes after the opening of the restaurant."

"I will think about it" I said. And boy does he looked shocked. I think no one dared said no to him sensing from his confident tone.

He narrowed his eyes at me "look here. This is important to me. That's why I came here personally to inform you rather than sending my assistant. I will pay you twenty five thousand dollars a week. What do you say?".

"I will do it " I replied immediately. Come on guys....twenty five thousand dollars a week....who can say no to that? I can't.

He seemed satisfied with my reply. "Ok then. Since you don't have a car, you will be assigned a car and a driver for picking you up and dropping. If you felt like if comming back and forth is too much, then you can stay here in one of the suite rooms till the end of the project" he said with a relaxed face.

I don't know what shocked me more. Weather all these things he said he'd do for me or his non-staring face. It must be the later.

"Don't think I'm doing it for you. I want you to concentrate solely on the restaurant alone without any distractions. " And the demon is back. I nodded.

"Now you can leave. Tomorrow you are to be here at eight am sharp" with that said, he left.

When I came outside the hotel, there was a car waiting for me to drop me home. I gladly hopped in and went to my apartment.

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