Chapter 16

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"She needs an IV drip."

"We need some saline now."

"We're going to lose her."

"She needs some fluids."

"Get a surgeon down here now."

The shouts echo in my head as my vision blurs and all i see is multicoloured lights and stars.

I love stars and how the universe is so massive and wide. Holding millions of stars and planets, that no one has visited or even seen.

I used to tell Hope about the stars before she went to bed, i would get Jarvis to project them onto her ceiling and I would teach them to her, sharing my knowledge. Then, when Hope got to big, i taught Lucas, he would smile and ask lots of questions. When he was 13, he asked if one of the brightest stars was his mum and I replied yes. One of the stars is also my mum.

I hope that when i die, Lucas will find me as one of the bright stars.


The machines beep in a constant rhythm, every now and then they jump quickly. I blink my eyes slowly and see the pure white empty room. I am alone. The clear tube up my nose itches and I go to scratch it but pull the drip in my right wrist. I gasp sharply as my breathing is cut off temporarily.

"Have you got an itchy nose?" I hear someone ask and I look at the door.

Zeke is walking through the doorway, a paper cup in his hand holding a hot drink. His forest green eyes are filled with pain and worry, red and bloodshot. He sighs and forces on a lying smile.

"Yeah." I whisper.

Zeke walks over, placing his drink on the bed side table and sits on the plastic chair next to me. I wrinkle my nose, trying to get rid of the itch but without itching it. Zeke leans over and scratches my nose lightly.

"Thanks." I say.

"I-I thought id lost you. I c-can't lose you. I wouldn't be able to live." Zeke admits, tripping over words because he doesn't know what to say. I take his hand and squeeze it lightly. He smiles and holds my hand between his.

"Im so tired." I announce, my eyes flickering shut.

"You're very ill, babe. You need to sleep." He tells me, kissing my forehead.

"Will you be here when i wake up?" I ask, looking up at him hopefully.

"Of course i will." He promises.

I force my eyes shut and soon, i fall into a drug filled sleep.


"Thank god you're okay." Dad states, closing the door behind him and leaning on the window.

"Im fine."


His hair is messy and dirty, his eyes red and bloodshot. But i notice his left eye is slightly blue and his lip has a deep red cut on.

"What did you do to your eye and lip? You had your suit on earlier." I point out.

"I um... had a fight. That was all." My dad mumbles and i know he is lying.

"With who?"

"Just, someone." He lies again.

Suddenly the door is pushed open and in races Lucas, his face pale with worry.

"Mum!" He says and hugs me. I wrap my arms around his small teenage body and smile.

"Hey, Lucas." I reply and in walks James, dressed in casual instead of his military uniform. Lucas pulls away and i smile at James.

"How are you feeling?" James asks.

"Better, thanks."

"Clinton is in Avengers headquarters, he's being held there." Dad informs me.


"Hope is in the car." James announces.

"I'll go see her." Zeke offers, kissing my forehead and walking out.

"Dad, did you have a fight with Clinton?" I question, staring up at him.

"Nope. Well, maybe."

"It was an accident, he didn't know i was in the suit." I point out, surprised that Im defending him.

"It doesn't matter, he still killed you."

"Killed me?"

"You died. Twice."

My mind races, i died. My heart quickens and i hear the heart rate machine beep faster. My dad races to my side and Lucas jumps off the bed.

"Calm down, you're not dead though. It shows your strong." My dad calms me down and the machine beeps normally again.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah, Im fine." I whisper, painting on a smile.

There's a knock at the door and we all turn to see Zeke.

"Can everyone go, please? Hope wants to talk to her mum alone." Zeke says.

James smiles and strolls out, Dad nods and squeezes my shoulder, Lucas follows them out.

Zeke opens the door further and Hope walks in, head bowed as she stares at her shoes.

"Hello, mum. Are you okay?" She asks, looking up at me, her eyes full of guilt and fear.

"Im fine. Are you okay?" I reply, smiling at her.

"Just upset." She whispers

"Everything is fine now." I promise.

"Are you going to punish me?" She quietly asks.

"Yes, we haven't discussed it yet." Zeke chips in.

"I understand." She mumbles, bowing her head again.

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