Chapter 4

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I'm so sorry that it took me so long guys! I will try to update more frequently now!

Hope you guys enjoy!

One hour later, I said goodbye to Zayn and walked to Mr Tomlinson's office, knocking but not getting an answer. I frowned, knocking again, but still get no responds.

I opened the door, silently praying that Louis won't get mad. But to my surprise, there was no one here. I stepped in the office, looking around, seeing a piece of paper on the middle of his desk.

Mr Styles,

I'm sorry if I'm not here yet, I had to go to a urgent meeting. Take a seat if you want, I will there soon.

Mr Tomlinson.

The note says. I groaned, how long would that meeting be? I'm hungry and don't really want to sit in the office off my new boss if he's not here. I sighed, and looked around. It's a little like mine and Zayn's only this was a little bigger. It has two mac's on the desk, a laptop and tons off papers, there are two couches, three bookcases and a tv. But when I took a look at one of the bookcases, I saw that there were no books on it. It were photo's, photo's off a little girl and another guy.

Probably his brother and sister. But Mr Tomlinson only had sisters. And they're not so little. This girl had to at least be 8 years old, his sisters are older. But the real question was who is the guy? Maybe a friend?

But when I looked at more photo's I can clearly see that that's not the case. There are photo's off Louis with the little girl, the little girl with the guy and there are photo's off all three off them together. But there was one picture that stood out from out of all. Not really a picture, but a drawing. It was a drawing of two boys holding hands with a girl in the middle. On the top of the paper stood in a messy handwriting I love you daddies with little hearts and all that stuff around it.

Then it hit me. Louis had a daughter, but also a boyfriend (maybe husband?).

"Mr Styles?" a voice asked I shrieked and blushed when I saw it was Mr Tomlinson an quickly laid the paper back.

I rubbed my neck nervously, not daring to look into his eyes.

"What were you doing?" he asked but he didn't seem mad, he seemed... amused?

"euhm... just looking around sir." I said nervously. He chuckled and came to stand next to me. 

"She's cute, isn't she." he  said softly,staring  at the little girl.  

"She is." i agreed "If you mind me asking, who is she?" i couldn't stop myself from asking. 

"She's my daughter, Mr Styles." Louis said fondly. 

"What's her name?" 

"Hailey." He said proudly, looking at all the photo's until his eyes fell on one photo. It was a photo of Louis and the guy, holing hands kissing each other. He quickly took the picture and hid it in his bureau. When he truned to look at me his eyes where not showing the happines there were showing before. No, they're sad, broken, devastated, empty. 

"So shall we go then?" he asked in a strangled voice and forced smile. 

I frowned but didn't mention it that night.


It was the best that of my life. Louis took me to some fancy Spanish restaurant and we had fun and like really fun. We got to know so much more of each other, it was perfect. If only it were a real date.

Right now, we are sitting in his car-more like limo- and just sitting there in silence, not talking, just enjoying each other's presence.

I sighed contently, and looked out of the window, I jumped in surprise when I felt a hand on my thigh. I heard Louis chuckle and softly squeeze my thigh. I looked at him in shock but he just looked at the road with a light smile on his face.

We sat like that for the rest of the ride.

When we were at my house, Louis insisted that he walked me to the door, but before I got to say something, louis kissed my cheek, whispering "Goodnight Mr Styles."

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