Chapter 8

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I knew that i didn't stand a chance. I just hope and hope but it doesn't come through, does it?

Why does he have to have a husband (who's dead but still). I just feel so quilty for thinking all those things about Jacob while he doesn't deserve them.

We are now sitting at table, eating some steak and salad while Hayley is talking to Louis about her day. She's so cute, I wish she was our daughter but I know that I will never stand a chance. 

"What's your name again?" Hayley questions cutely, blinking a couple of times.

Louis and I chuckle. "He already told you, Love." He exlaims.

Hayley shruggs and mumbles, "I forgot Daddy."

I laugh a little and tell her my name, again.

It's not like I expected her to listen, however she then says something that i didn't expect.

"That's a very cute name. I wish I had a cute one!" She whines.

Louis quickly assured her that it's not true. It's so cute seeing them interact.

I wonder if i could ever compeet with that.


I wake up the next day to a familiar tone of five seconds of summer amnesia. What? It's a really good song!

Anyways, when i pick up my phone i see that I have two messages from Liam and a voicemail from Niall. I don't listen to the voicemail - I never do- and instead call them back.

"Harry, mate!" Niall laughs while picking up making me smile, I haven't heard of them in a week, that's a long time when you are used to living together.

"Hey Nialler, what's up?" I say while getting off bed, putting the phone on speaker so I can still hear him.

"We were wondering if you wanted to come with us to the park, since it's been a while and we miss you, you know?" He rambles on quickly making me chuckle.

"Of course, i missed you too, when are we going though? I just woke up..." I trail off in the end and blush when i look at the clock seeing it's already 2 o'clock. No wonder that I'm so hungry.

Niall hums and I hear him mumbling things to Liam on the background. "Long night dreaming of Tomlinson, eh?" He teases while laughing. I shake my head with a sigh, he's never letting this go, is he? Probably not.

I pick up my phone and go to my little kitchen and quickly pull out everything I need for scrambled eggs. "Ha ha, very funny, Niell." I smirk knowing he hates it when we call him that.

"Shut up!" Niall whines and i hear rustling around and I know that he's giving the phone to Liam. "Hi Harry, how are you?" Liam's soft voice comes through the phone a few seconds later and I smile.

"Hi Li, I'm good. I'm just making breakfast, actually." I say while flipping the eggs.

"That's good, I'm sorry that we woke you up, you must have had a rough week if you slept this late." He states and I can hear Niall on the background grumbling about getting food for himself.

"No, it's okay, It was just a long night yesterday. I'm glad that you called, though, it's been a while. What time are we going to the park?" I exclaim while turning off the stove and taking a plate and a fork, sitting at the little table in a corner of kitchen.

"Well, what about 4? Then you have enough time to get ready and a little to for yourself. Are you planning on cooking?" He inquires and I sigh already knowing where he's going with this.

"Liam, you know I don't have any money for eating at a fancy restaurant, I'm trying to save up money for a bigger appartement..." I mutter while swallowing.

"I know that, Haz. That's why I'm going to be paying, please, please, pleaseeee." He begs and I can already know that he's pouting. I groan while he cheers knowing that I can't resist him begging. Not in the good way.

I sigh picking up my plate and setting it in the sink, I can wash it when I'm back tonight.

"Alright, alright, but that's the last time, okay?" I say seriously but know that's not true, they do this all the time.

Liam's also a writer, he has two books and is now working on his third book. His first book, His Submission was a great succes. It's a BDSM story -and no Niall and Liam are not in that kind of relationship, Liam has always been story- his second book, His  Domination was even better. I've read both of the stories and I've loved them, especially the second one, I've loved Lane's and Matthias' story and I'm curious about what the third book will be.

"Okay, see you then Haz." Liam groans and I frown. What the fuck are they doing?

I quickly hang up because I don't want a repeat of a couple months ago.

I pick up my laptop from the comforter and begin writing again, I'm already on chapter 13 so i'm pretty far for now, I started 2 months ago and I at least want 25 chapters.

I love writing though so it's not that difficult to come up with chapters, they come naturally. I've always wanted to be a writer, so I hope that this will be my break through. However I don't know if i will quit my work at Tomlinson Pictures, I love the job and I only worked there for two weeks, so that's not long. I just hope that it will be no problem.


Shit! Why do I have have to miss the goddamn bus?! Oh well, walking it is then. The walk to park will take about 25 minutes and the next bus will come in 15 minutes. At first I wait but then there comes this man, probably near the 60s and sits next to me.

The first couple minutes we sit in silence untill I look up from admirering my sparkly YSL boots and see the man smiling at me creepily. I smile back politely and look back down. I can feel his eyes boring holes in my head. I silently start to freak out and move away a little, only for him to move way closer then is appropriate.

Okay, I'm out of here.

I quickly stand up and begin my walk towards the park, however I know that I'm being followed. I begin to walk faster and see the shadow of the man quickly following after me. Panic seeps in my body when I run through the busy streets of London. I look behind me to see if he was still following me and not noticing bumping into a huge chest.

I fall on the ground and groan carresing me shoulder, but then realize that the man was still behind me! My eyes widen as I get pulled up by strong arms and see the all-to-familiar eyes pf Louis.

My Daddy (Larry AU)(BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now