Chapter 7

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A/N: hi guys, i'm really sorry that i haven't been updating much and all that stuff. Tbh, i don't really have a reason... I just... Didn't wanna write? I didn't have a writers block or anything it's just that i didn't have much time. i had promblems with school and home so i had to focus on that. But now it's summer i can start again! I already have new ideas on a story and a new one shot(?) idk about that one maybe it will be a short story.

BUT lets begin huh?

Btw, i'm sorry if there are so many mistakes, i am typing this on my phone.


"Harry? Are you alright?" i heard Louis say but i didn't respond, i couldn't. i'm at loss for words, I don't know how to react, I was so sure he was into me... but i guess he isn't.

I was so deep i thought that i didn't notice Louis chair moving and him coming over tome until I felt his hand on my shoulder. I flinched away at the sudden contact and moved towards the wall.

Concern, confusion and also something i couldn't put my finger on, show on his face. I didn't dare to move when he came so close to me.

If i would tilt my head we would be kissing. Oh how much i want that, to feel his lips on mine.

I would love to do that but i know that it's not opproriate. Ugh, why did he had to be my boss?!

"Are you okay, harry?" He asked softly.
I simply nodded because i know that when i opened my mouth nothing would come out. He nodded uncertainly but said nothing about it.

"So, you ready to go? I first have to go to the daycare though, Hayley is still there." Louis exclaimed and stepped back, causing me to let out a deep breath.

Couldn't his boyfriend/husband pick up their daughter? Probably not.

•15 min later•

"We're here." louis said, turning the car off and stepping out. He motions to come with him and i quickly do, not seeing the point of why i have to get out but still doing in fear of making him mad at me.

I followed after him and we went in a building from what i saw was a little abbandomed.

Why would he come here? I thought we were going to pick up his daughter.

Suddenly a women comes out with a little girl on her hips. The women looks to be in her late 50s but you see that she was a beautiful women. She smiles at Louis and puts down the girl, who comes running towards Louis.

"Daddy!" She screamed and jumped in his arms, laughing while he picked her up and spins around. Now I could see the resemblens between them, she has his pretty blue eyes and lips, but she has blonde curly hair, complete opposite to him.

"How's my little princess doing, huh?" He asked when he sets her down.

"Good, miss Jessica and I painted some more" she went on rambling about the drawing while we walked towards the car.

"Who is he, daddy?" Hayley asked when she finally noticed me sitting in the car next to Louis.

"Oh, he's a friend, love. He's joining us for dinner tonight." He said looking at me with a smile.

I blushed and look out of the windonw to avoid his stare, i always become nervous when he looks at me like that.

-20 min later-

When Louis pulled up in his drive way, i was gobsmacked.  I knew he was rich but this was just.... too much. In front of me was a 2 store house with all glass windows and doors, it was beautiful! The driveway was also beautiful, with pools and little rivers, there was even a like a giant fishbowl! (idk if it's right or not...)

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