New Girl

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Here in China, I have my own routine. I go to school, and then run towards the Great Wall of China where I usually sit alone and think of Fren and Sasnei Chao. Once it was noon, I would run back to the village and get Aunty groceries, by get I meant steal. I steal food and I am never caught. You can say that I am a thief but it does not change anything really. I use my abilities from Sensei Chao and bust off some moves.

I usually sit by the back because I don't bother to be the teachers favorite. What's the point? That's how I got bullied and had no friends. And this teacher will forget my name in a split second. But today was something else. Today was different, the moment I came to class, there was already somebody sitting on my spot. I did not recognize her before. I guess she was new.

"I hope you don't mind me sitting here, it's just because I am new to this school and I want to start the day with a fresh start." She mumbled.

"Ummmm, it's fine. Don't worry, I was through the same thing." I said.

As the teacher came in we all settled down. The new girl on my spot smiled at me and stood up to introduce herself as the teacher asked her to. Once school ended I ran to the Great Wall of China and sat there. Mum always took me there when I was a little girl. I learnt my first word there, "warrior." In suprise that girl earlier came and sat next to me. At that moment, I was lost and did not know what to do.

"I never caught your name, what is it? I wanted to ask you earlier but you bolted out, I...ummm followed you here. I hope you don't mind!" She said.

I was silent. She stood quickly and started to walk away.

Without thinking I shouted,"Atheny, my name is Atheny."

She jumped with a fright and turned towards me, she just stood there staring at me, not knowing what to do. After a couple minutes she came to sit next to me again. ALL IN A SUDDEN, the Red Dragon jumped onto the bridge and covered me with a sack. After that moment, I knew it was just the beginning of my death.

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