Second Attak

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The IT did not answer like you know from earlier but it did do something strange and not believable.
"The master will hate what you have done, he will notice you know, reralate coos heachuuuuu!!" He said with laughter and chills through his back. What did it mean - reralate coos heachuuuuu?? Fren and I looked at each other, she nodded at me giving me the sign of questioning. And that was the scene of disgust. Maybe I might skip that bit ok readers, it's just too nasty and harmful! You won't sleep at night.

32mins and 16secs later...
Sirens were all around the grocery store. Once more Fren and I looked at each other but this time it was the look of fear and a plan that occurred in our small, tight eyes. What did we do??? Well we sent the IT outside and rapped ourself with rapping paper that we saw on a shelf, we then place ourself onto the one shelf where we tucked ourself in a box and stayed silence. Of course there were small holes to breath and take a peek of this amazing plan.

The IT was repeating the sentence that he had said before. I could not help myself but giggled to Fren how funny he looked like, he reminded me as if he was Yoda from Star Wars... Now you can laugh readers... The police was concern of the notice but more concerned of the It rapped in Christmas rapping. He had backup behind him and was armed. It was silence and nothing happened. We were scared and took deep breaths and shut our eyes tightly.

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