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I walked off no problem, school supplies in hand. I thought I'd be going back to my dorm room but suddenly Daniel caught up to me.

"Hey... that was awesome what you fucking did back there man."

"No problem. Guess I have the touch in those confrontations."

"Yeah. So which dorm room do you have?"


"Cool, I have 451."

"Nice. Well man, that was my last class of the day. Going back to the dorms right now actually."

"Same! Can I come with?"

I had this way to read people, and simply listening to his tone, I could already catch on that he didn't have that many friends. I barely even looked him in the eye since I was so tired that day in classes.

I felt a little bit bad for him, as I probably had given off an uninterested vibe to his rather enthused yet lonely tone. I could tell he'd be a nice friend to have since I was only on my first few days of College but hadn't made any friends.

So I decided to perk up.

"Yeah, of course you can come with. We can hang out. I have an Xbox One that I brought with me, my dad-- friend got if for me on Christmas once."

I stuttered, I didn't know what to call Angelo at this point. He felt like the dad I never had. But the way we treated eachother, it felt like we were brothers or best friends.

"D-- Dude... you really think I'd turn down an offer like that? What games do you have on it?"

That's when we kept rambling on about video games and lore on certain things.

"I'm just saying that Scorpion is better than Sub Zero."

"Dude... are you kidding me?"

That's when we finally got to the dorms and hung out for a while, and talked less about video games. We talked more about personal things.

"So what made you wanna go to college? Besides the whole thing about you not knowing why you wanted to go."

"Well, I didn't know what else to do. I was proposed a lot of things by some of my friends. I could've worked at a Spanish restaurant. I also could've done some handy work for my best friend. Things like that."

"Oh, so you went to a free one because...?"

"I didn't want to beg for money from anyone or take loans. That takes a lot of work to replenish back what I took. Rather would play it safe."

"I see. Is there anything you'd like to be when you grow up, man?"

"Well... I haven't really ever thought about it. I had to face a lot of stress in high school before I could focus on what I even wanted to be, haha."

"Yeah, I hated high school. The place I went too had really short breaks and a lot of work that felt as if it were slave work, rather than actually homework."

"I'm sure we've all been there. I barely even graduated high school. Surprised they even gave me a chance."

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