Savior and Wingman

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I woke up ass naked. What? Did you expect me to be a bit less open? Anyways, I woke up naked next to a cute, fragile, Skylar. She had a light snore that you couldn't hear unless you were close enough.

I remembered everything we talked about, and everything that happened that day. It felt short, but I realized how much could go down in such amounts of time.

I got up off the bed and got all of my clothes back on, and I knew I needed to go and meet up with Daniel, so I quickly went to Skylar to kiss her on the forehead before I left. But Skylar was already awoke.

"That only adds to the amount of places you've kissed me on me at different areas, since last night!" Skylar exclaimed.

"Heh, if you keep up that talk, then expect it again when I come on back," I chuckled. She laid up in her bed.

"Going so soon?" Skylar frowned.

"No worries. I'm gonna help out Daniel. We'll see eachother again soon. I promise I won't ditch you like a dick again."

"It wasn't a dick move, you explained why you were gone, and I'm totally fine with it," Skylar said as she held my hand in hers.

"Either way, we'll see eachother again soon. I need to help Daniel."

"Lemme know what's up afterwards!" Skylar said as I left.

"I will!"


I get to Daniel's dorm and see how messy it is, and I saw the Subway sandwich wrappers scattered around his room. That's all it stunk of, just Subway. Daniel was snoring away in his dorm, nothing really changed. Except it was more messier.

I slowly and calmly pushed Daniel at a just good enough pace, calling out his name as well, and he finally woke up.

"Oh my god! Austin! I thought you were-- like-- banished from even coming back here again!" Daniel exclaimed as he woke up.

"It's a thing called sneaking in!" I whispered loudly.

He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh... I guess a better start taking notes on that too then," Daniel yawned.

"That's the spirit! But seriously, Skylar has told me what's been going on, and I wanna ask you legit, what's been going on, man?"

"Nothing man..." Daniel whispered.

"Anything bothering ya?"

"It's nothing man, chill out," Daniel kept whispering as he wasn't fully awake yet.

"Daniel I'm serious."

"I've been getting bullied even worse by Chad at this point, and by his stupid gang," Daniel said.

"Anything else Daniel?"

"Things haven't really changed. I just can't process it all at once for you right now..." Daniel gradually rose his voice and tone in that whole statement, signifying that he was beginning to wake up more.

"You need to go brush your teeth and shit? I won't keep you waiting then, man. Take your time. I'll help clean all this Subway shit," I encouraged Daniel to get off his ass as I got a trash bag from his small cabinet next to his medium bed.

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