A Typical Morning

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(Pico's P.O.V)

"Onee-Chan, wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes to see emerald green ones directly above mine.

"Piko, get off meee!!" I flailed.

"Aw, but you make a nice chaiiir!" The boy stuck out his tongue at me.

"Alright alright, get ready yourself, though!" I puffed out my cheeks at my twin brother who was wearing nothing but his Spider Man Underwear.

He sighed and obeyed me, scampering off to get dressed.

I checked the time.

My eyes widened, and I jumped out of bed, rushing to the bathroom, eyes widening more in horror

when I saw several strands of my hair sticking up at various angles.

My eyes flew across the room, quickly finding my hairbrush and going back to the mirror,

tugging at my orange locks until every bit of bedhead was gone, then grabbed my toothbrush,

squirted some toothpaste on it, and ran back to my room, brushing my teeth as I went.

I grabbed my uniform off the clothes hook along with my headband, running back to the bathroom, 

rinsing and putting on the outfit at the same time, running back to my room and pulling on my 

stockings as I went, slipping on my flats, pushing one fully on with the other as I sprinted to the 

kitchen, grabbing a PopTart and quickly eating them, brushing off any crumbs and taking a sip of the coffee that Piko had brewed earlier, then rushing out the door.

"Bye Piko!" I called over my shoulder as I began to run to the Cafe I work at.

"Bye Sis!" He called back.

I reached the Cafe just as Mr. Wazuki turned the sign to 'Yes, We're Open!'

"Slept in again, Pico?" Mr. Wazuki chuckled.

"I'm sorry Mister Wazuki, my alarm clock recently broke, and we're tight on money,

 so I can't waste money on a new one." I apologized with a bow.

"It's alright, Pico, I saw you coming and turned the sign for a laugh, you're actually ten minutes early." He chuckled.


This is gonna be a long day.

二重のぴこ-Double The PikoWhere stories live. Discover now