An Easy Breezy Morning

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"Alrighty Len! Let's go!" I grinned.


The bus stopped, a few more people piled on as we moved to get off, heading towards the nearby job openings for businesses.

We tried a few restaurants, but they were all gross, and the businesses denied anyone who didn't have a bunch of degree's, how are some parentless teens supposed to eat?

We reached the music store, and entered.

"Hey you two!" 

We turned to see a familiar bluenet.

"Hey Kaito!" Len grinned.

"You two looking for jobs again? I'd love to have you guys working here." Kaito smiled.

"We'd love to work here, do you want our applications?" Len's smile grew even larger.

"Hm... Tell you what, if you guys move those shipments into the back room, I'll let you guys work without having to go through that crap." He gave a chuckle.

"Thanks Kaito!" We rushed to get the job done.

Looks like today was a good day after all.

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