Complications And Spilled Coffee

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"Picco,  two lemon poppy seed muffins for table two." The current waitress, Rin informed me. 

"Aye Aye, Rin!" I saluted, getting to work on the order, when voices from the eating area caught my attention. 

"Oh, hey Rin-Chan, I thought it was totally forbidden for you to have a part time job!"

Red flag has been raised. 

I started towards the door.

Approaching target. 

I opened it to see a familiar pink haired boy hovering over the  blonde. 

"Luke, I need to pay for our apartment somehow-" The blonde started to argue. 

"Well that's no way to treat a customer!" Luke scoffed.

"Fine. Excuse me sir, but I have to wait the tables." I could tell that she was becoming impatient with the young man.

"Why so formal, Rin-Chan?" Luke breathed in her ear in an attempt to be seductive. 

"Just leave me alone."  Rin tensed up, obviously not buying the act. 

"No need to be so tense. Say, maybe if you're so impolite, I should break Len-"

Locked on target. 

"Back off sleaze-ball." 

I grabbed the young man's shirt collar, yanking him  down to my height so he could see the fact that I was VERY peeved at his antics. 

"Ow! Let go, bitch!" He growled. 

"What's going on here?"  Mister Wazuki intervened. 

"Your kitchen slut's f*cking insane!" Luke growled. 

"He was sexually harassing Rin, and it specifically says on a sign in the dinning room that reads 'respect the workers', and he threatened to hurt her brother." I explained. 

"Get out of my Café. Now." Mister Wazuki glares. 

"Oh come on, that's the tenth time this month!" He whined. 

"Exactly. You attempt a stunt like this again, I'll call the police on you. And you lay a hand on Miss Rin, or her brother, I'll make sure you get what you deserve." Mister Wazuki warned. 

"Fine, old fart." 

And with that, the boy left. 

"I'll wait tables, you take your break." I smiled at the younger girl. 

"Thank you Picco..." Rin gave a strained smile.

"No problem, Rinny!" I gave a bright smile.

I then turned to the food I had already prepared, picking it up and heading to the tables they were assigned to, then turning on my heel to go back and get all the other food waiting.

"Waiter, may I have another cup of coffee?"

I nodded, quickly fetching the Coffee pot and creamer cup, walking over to to the customer and refilling their coffee.

I turned to put it back in its place when I heard quick footsteps.

"Watch out!"

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