A Stereotypical Morning

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(Piko's P.O.V) 

I watched my sister dash out the door, and smiled, stealing her coffee. 

Muhaha, I'm so evil!

Inner monologue aside, I chugged my coffee and ate my breakfast that consisted of Rasin Bread and some poptarts (I'm so healthy) and checked my phone, then smiled. 

Time for another job hunt with Len!

I called  up my friend to meet me at our usual meeting place, and ran out the door with a piece of toast in my mouth, chomping down on it.

I rushed to the bus stop, grabbing a Newspaper someone had thrown away and looking at the jobs section.

Hm... Today looks promising.


I looked up to see my friend walking over with a big smile on his face.

"Hey Lenny! How're you?" I grinned.

"Doin' good. My sister managed to wake up early enough to have some breakfast. Yours?" He asked as he ate a Banana he had grabbed, most likely from home.

"Almost late, per the norm. And I'm good, thanks for asking." I chuckled.

"That's good." He smiled as the bus pulled in, both of us paying the toll and sitting down in our usual seats, scooting into the buttprints left by the last riders. 

"Job hunting again, huh boys?" The Bus Driver, Al mused.

"Mhm, we're hoping to get lucky today!" I smiled brightly.

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