Accident, Or Something Else?

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I felt something hit my back, causing me to fall over, spilling the coffee, then feeling a pressure, like something was on top of me.

"O-Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Miss!"

Correction, SomeOne.

I felt the pressure relieve,  and then someone pulling me up to my feet.

I looked up to see two dark-colored orbs  in front of my green ones.

"I apologize, Miss....?"

I blinked.


"Nice to meet you, Miss Picco... Call me Mokkun." He gave a warm smile.

"Oh, so you've met my Grandson." Mister Wazuki smiled.


I looked over the young man.


There is some resemblance if he had no hair and glasses.

"This is one of My Employee's, Miss Picco." The old man gave a wrinkled smile.

"I know, we just met." Mokkun chuckled.

"Ah, I see... Picco, would you please clean this up-"

"I'll get it Grandfather, I knocked into her." Mokkun insisted. 

"Alright, just don't make another mess." He walked off.

I watched as Mokkun got on his hands and knees, cleaning up the hot beverage.

There's too much for him to get on his own...

I got down as well, helping to wipe up the mess.

He looked up at me with surprise, but I simply gave a smile in return, then continued to clean.

"Thanks, Miss Picco..."

"Just call me Picco."

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