An Accident.

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"Hey, can I get a seat away from the dumb blond and Ginger?"

I cringed at the voice.

"Take a seat, or get off my bus." Al glared.

The new arrival dropped a few bills into the toll box, sitting down across from us.

"Just pretend he's not there." Len advised.

"Ey', Kaga-Lamo, Pi-Cunt, what're you doin' here?" The Pink Haired man smirked.

"Hey Len, did you see the new Star Wars Movie?" I tried to start a conversation to get him to leave us alone.

"Oh.. Uh... Yeah, I love it, it's really good!" Len played along.

"Yeah, I really liked the look of the new R2D2-"

"*** Yolo Dies."

"Wait... He DOES?!" Len exclaimed.

"....You pricks were too poor to see it." He smirked.

"Back off Luke." I growled.

"Why? I was just heading to the Cafe to visit Kaga-Lamo's Smokin' Hot Sist-"

Len got up, and punched Luke in the nose.

"Stay away from Rin." He growled.

"Fuck, dude!" He growls, holding his nose.

"I mean it." Len growled back.

"Why you little punk-"

Luke threw several fists at Len, knocking him out of the bus window.


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