Chapter Five ~ Money Talks

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

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Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam
Adam's POV
"I accept" she said as soon as she walked in. "Beautiful" I replied smoothly, "give me your account details and I'll put in $100,000 every week for the next 5 weeks. Anything I hear and little girl the funding stops. As for these meetings well I guess I'll just sit here and you can go about with your play or work if that's what you want to call it.

"Just so you know, you're an evil person and I'm only accepting this because it works out for the greater good. I'm going to help so many people with your money but don't think for a second that your doing a thing righteous. I don't know how you can sleep at night!" She spat and for a moment I was taken by surprise at her burst of confidence. However I recovered quickly, tilted by head back l and let out a cold laugh.

"First of all you never talk like that to me again little girl. And as punishment that's $10,000 dollars off this weeks pay. So you better watch that pretty little mouth of yours. Second of all, you can justify it however you like. Wrong is wrong. At least I can admit it" I retorted. In reality I wasn't going to take any money off her payment but she needed to know who was in control here.

"I'm s-sorry Mr.Summers. That was a laps on my behalf. Please just relax and I'll get you some coffee." She stammered and she was back to where I wanted her. Now to just get out of this hideous place...

Two hours later and I was back in my room but unfortunately not alone. The physician had come and was discussing therapy methods with me which were making my head spin. "Your best option would be a bionic leg which would require a few months of rehabilitation but would allow you to pretty much be as mobile as you were before. However, there are alternative means if you wish including a wheelchair, cane and more. I know this can be a daunting decision to make Mr Summers and so if you like I can give you some time to think about it before you decide." He concluded. I wanted my life back so the decision was obvious to me. "I appreciate that but I have already made my decision. I want a bionic leg and my life back. Please don't hesitate at costs because I am more than willing to provide. I would like the process to be as successful and efficient as possible."
"Of course Mr Summers, an excellent choice. But the duration and success of your therapy is ultimately up to you. Your rehabilitation physiotherapist will start with you next week. Until then rest up and pray hard. I'll be seeing and monitoring your progress Mr Summers." And with that he stepped out of the room.

I was both excited and nervous about this procedure. A few months in here would ultimately drive me to my insanity but I had to get my life and legs back. This was going to be interesting...

•~• (time lapse)

It was the night before my therapy started and I reluctantly admitted to myself that I couldn't sleep because quite simply, I was nervous. I had been tossing and turning in the uncomfortable bed for hours but to no avail. Just then a voice came floating through the curtains, "you seem bothered son" the old man spoke. Ugh, him again. With all that was going on I hadn't given him much thought and the curtain remained between us, a literal and metaphorical barrier.

"Why do you care old man?" I snorted.
"Ah son, you are my brother"
"Yes child, in Islam we are all brothers and sisters of the parents Adam and Eve. We must care for one another"
"Uh okay. That's great." I replied trying to get him off my back.
"Indeed it is. So now tell me, what's occupying your mind?"
"You wouldn't understand, unlike you, my problems go beyond worrying about whose winning Jeopardy."
He laughed softly, "Ah young boy, don't be to hard on yourself, all that happens is for a higher purpose."
"Pfft and pigs can fly. There is no higher purpose. If there was, I wouldn't be in this darn situation!" I huffed arrogantly.
"One day you will see Adam and understand."

I froze at the use of my name, no one had called me that in a long time. It was always 'Mr Summers' professional and distant. It triggered memories in my mind of my family and the days of happiness in my life. But it also jogged the memory of their accident and my heart returned to its icy state.
"Just leave me alone okay! You don't know me or anything about me so just stop trying to interfere with my life! You don't know pain like I do! You don't know sadness like I do! You don't know worry like I do! You don't know anything! So just leave me alone and stop acting like some diplomatic Saint!" I rented, venom seeping through the very walls. I expected him to shout or yell and was eagerly waiting his reaction.

But to my shock he simply said, "As you wish son, as you wish..."

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