Chapter Seven ~ Progress Progress

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

I truly apologise for the delay in updates. I have been away and so didn't really have much time to write unfortunately. However, as compensation I'll be updating two chapters inshallah! Please forgive me for all my shortcomings and a big Jazakallahukheiran!

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam
Adam's POV
It had been a week since that distasteful session with Dr Rayyaan and another was scheduled today. As much as I loathed her attitude a small part of me was interested in her passion and drive. Despite being small, she certainly had fire.

I was wheeled in once again to that sorcerers lair so she may begin her witchery! Okay that was a little over dramatic don't you think Adam, I mentally scolded.

"Hello Mr Summers" she chirped and for some reason that annoyed me. So I simply nodded my head in response. "Thank you Eyra" she smiled to the nurse who had brought me.

"Now to begin!" She said and with that she began to teach me exercises that would help me walk again. The process would require hard work and baby steps but I was determined to get there.

"I can't!!" I spluttered as Rayyaan tried to get me to even hold my own body weight against her, "no offense but darling I'd break you" and I watched as her green eyes sparkled dangerously.

A/N ~ the fact that she has green eyes may seem cliche seeing as only 2% of the worlds population do but truth is, its not a cliche when you take into consideration all the other features of the characters. It's a unique feature, yes, but so is Rayyaan's character. Just thought I'd clarify... Jazakallahukheiran :)

"Listen Mr Summers, for one I don't appreciate the use of derogatory nicknames so cut it! And second, haven't you ever heard, good things comes in small packages. I'm MORE than capable to handle a boy like you" she retorted with her cunning tongue. "B-boy?!" I spat, "Mamacita (attractive little woman) I'm the only real man you have met let alone have had the privilege to touch" I smirked using a little Spanish.

"I don't know what you just said but let me tell you something...I. Despise. Touching. You. It brings me no pleasure. And trust me if it wasn't outside the medical field I wouldn't have spared you a second glance and lowered my gaze let alone touch you! And stop going off topic! If you want to get better Mr Summers then you're going to have to trust me. Now please just try...and don't be afraid to put as much of your body weight on me" she calmly responded.

I could see that behind the sass and attitude she genuinely cared about my health. Pfft, but that didn't mean she wasn't a fiery Mamacita. Hmm...I think I like that nickname for her. No nicknames no smicknames, I'm going to call her whatever the hell I want to!

That mental conversation over, I looked into her eyes. Well tried to anyway, I mean the girl never actually looked into my eyes. When she would talk to me she would be looking at my chest. I mean she sure as hell wasn't shy, and I know my chest is amazing but that can't be it but I want her to just look at me. As petty as it sounded but this was me putting my vulnerabilities on show. Something I hadn't done in a while...

"Buzmelah" she repeated again and this time I wasn't angry. I conjured up as much courage and strength as I could and tried to lift my body from the ground.

Nothing happened.

"Come on Summers" Rayyaan whispered and I tried again. I was really trying! My eyebrows furrowed in concentration and my muscles tensed. Even Rayyaan had closed her eyes and seemed to be deeply concerned. Here we go I though to myself and heaved. I felt my body lift off the chair about 20cm before I collapsed onto Rayyaan. Surprisingly she didn't fall beneath me but was actually supporting my weight.

I was no longer smug or cocky Adam. Here I was being held by this petite young woman whilst I, a grown man, couldn't even hold myself. It was straight up embarrassing and a wound to my heart.

"One more time. You can do it. Please Adam" Rayyaan repeated and it was almost strange hearing her call me by my first name. I had a weird burst of hope and I put my everything into trying to stand up and off her. I grunted and strained, pushing myself beyond limits. I could feel every muscle in my body working strenuously to lift my weight. I clenched my teeth and tightened my fists. My knuckles whitened and my brow began to moisten. Slowly but surely I felt myself moving off Rayyaan and into an upright position. Time around me stood as I felt myself finally see everything around me at my own eye level again. I mean sure I was still leaning on the crutches but at least I was a standing man again. The happiness flooded my every sense as I felt myself genuinely smile for the first time in many years. Rayyaan seemed to feel the same because she had tears in her eyes and I was truly the happiest man alive. I could do this, I thought to myself, I really could.

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