Capture The Little Pig part 2

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{Wills POV}

Back to where Dipper and Will are having there nice....If you can call it a 'chat'?

Dipper stares into my eyes with an intense gaze, he has that same smug face as when we did....Ugghh.....nevermind...
I feel the heat of my own blush and realized he shifted towards my face.
'Nononononono, not again!!' I thought. He stops, and shifts his face to my left side of my cheek. He whispers to me. "Just kidding~"
He chuckles then lifts up and puts his forehead on mine, we're now nose to nose.

"Ah Will...ya know I love you...but I love my sister with unconditional family/sibling love, so you better keep her safe even if she's spoiled." He said with a snarl.
I nod. "Y-yes s-sir! I'm on it!" He lets me out of the magical bonds. I get up and dust myself off.
"Oh and Will, one more thing..." He smirks as I leaned on the door way.
"Spell 'me'." I give him a confused look.
"M. E.?"
"You forgot the D."
"There's no D in me."
"Not yet~"
I turn beet red and storm out of the room, leaving him cracking up on the floor.

"Ugh, he's always playing games with me.." I say snapping my fingers to go invisible. I slip out of the mansion in search of Mistress Mabel, and low and behold she was at the boy band concert with Grenda and Candy.
Mabel seems to be the center of attention, because the boys on stage seem to be lovestruck by her appearance. She doesn't really care tells the look on her face.
She sighs, "not to get me wrong, you guys are cute and all...." She starts getting the boys hopped up.
"But your not really my type." She says with a seductive smile. Lovestruck as they are, the boy band plays a romantic melody to try to please Mabel. Unfortunately, it's not really pleasing her. I see her look to the crowd and see her face light up and then cringe. Little Gideon was in the crowd along with his cousin Pacifica. She kept switching expressions from love to hate over again, until Gideon looked Mabel's way, then she was permanently lovestruck.
After the concerts over, Mabel went back stage with her crew and separated Gideon and Pacifica, She's now alone with Gideon.

Hearts in her eyes she spoke to him sweetly, "awww~ aren't you just the most adorable thing~ wouldn't mind taking me on a date would you~?" Gideon squirmed in Mabel's death hug.
"I'm real sorry but I barely know ya'all!! Who in tarnation are you??" Gideon asks.
"Oh! Dear me, I forgot my introduction~ excuse em wa, I'm Mabel! Mabel Pines! I've an admirer....of you I mean!" She stutters.

"Oh, your the lady who keeps sending me pink frilly perfumed scented love notes by the door..?" He asked with a cold sweat. Mabel's face lights up, "You noticed me~!" She squeezes Gideon tighter even though his chubby form can't take anymore.
He winces and pulls Mabel away from him,
"Back off!" He shouts.
Mabel stops in her attempted of trying to hug him again. Her face went blank as Gideon takes in deep breaths to grasp the sweet relief of freedom. Mabel's face saddened, " don't know me...well, not as much as the little blondey..." She says with a cringe.
"Pacifica?" He questioned, his eyes sparked a familiar flash of hope that Mabel recognizes to
" her more than me?" Mabel says in a low tone, almost dryly.
Gideon's cold sweat returns, Mabel has that look on her face like she's going to kill someone, but all of a sudden she takes a breathe. "...that's okay! I'll just make you fall for me~ but in due time I guess, hehe. I can be patient." She says with a smile.
Gideon gives her a confused look and darts his vision to the door, he crawls along the floor and makes his escape while Mabel tries to calm herself down and make plans of how to capture the little pig~
"Will!" She calls out gittyly.
I appear out of the shadows, "Y-yes Mistress....Mabel?"
"So glad you watched from a far and not helping with capturing my little pig~" she says sarcastically.
"I-I'm sorry..."
"It's alright dear, just next time he's around me, tie him up won't you dear~?"
"Mhm. I'll keep that in mind." I say with a bow.
She flashes a wicked smile. "I'll have my little pig one way or another~"

And I think to myself, "She's insane and....why does she refer Gideon to be...little pig?"
"Will! Take me home already~!" She whines as she sits in her lux chair.
I sigh and snap me and her back home. She's plotting again. To capture her prize. A predator from a mile away.

Operation, Capture the little pig.

:P EYYY! That's a wrap!! Be sure to vote and comment for upcoming stories! I really would like some inspiration from the viewers~ Ya know Author's block ya know XD  Anyways see you next Chapter~

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