Ex's and Fuck no's

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Argh....Parcc testing sucks!! Also I know it's been awhile but do you still want this series to go on? Be sure to comment!
So now enjoy your fill of yaoi~~ and smut....

{Wills POV}
Opening the door, I see the celebrity from earlier. I flinched getting startled by the door slamming shut. It was Dipper.
He had slammed the door on our guests face.
Why'd he do that...
I give him a look as he rolled his eyes and opened the door again.
Our guest simply falls down to our feets as soon as we opened the door again.
Our guest ruffled his hair and gets up with the help of Dipper. "Yo! Will, long time no see." Dusted off the 6"4 tall man with blond hair, I looked at Dipper and I could see his Aura...it's not a good aura. I ignored the tension and said,

"soooo! Keith this is Dipper my Human master,
Dipper this is Keith from...demon school."
Holding Dippers hand he looks down at me and smirks,
Wait a second....
Dipper gripped my arm and the aura of jealousy became an aura of cuteness, he cooed, "oh...um....nice to meet you...."
..... I'm going to die....not literally.
Dipper looks at me with another smirk then let's go of my arm, I am left standing there while Dipper and Keith walk to the living room.
Why that little-.....
I feel a prickly feeling in my chest.
Weird. Walk away from the front door, I made my way to the living room where Dipper and Keith are, talking about politics.
I sit on the couch, and sigh. Looking at Dipper I see that Keith is reaching over to try to grab at MY master.
The feeling returned as I twisted Keith's arm to his side, I say to Keith as he turns around, "Please refrain from touching my master"
Dipper looks at me, and then smiles with pure innocence.
I facepalm myself as Dipper says to me,
"Just like you Will, always there for me~" I looked down in defeat as Dipper made his way to me, he takes a seat next to me and holds my hand.
Looking up he plants a kiss on my lips before pulling back and looked into my eyes. I feel myself blushing, he smiles and whispers into my ear.
"I love you too much to let him have you.... <3"

Those words sent shivers down my spine, I stammer,
"D-Dipper.....You k-know I wouldn't l-leave you...."
Is it getting hot in here or is it just me...
"Besides....I-I love you t-too..."
He plants another sweet kiss on my lips before trying to peal my clothes away.
Wait wait wait...!!! Isn't Keith still here?!
I push at Dippers chest as he lays on top of me.
"D-Dipper wait...! Hng....isn't Keith still here...?"
He pulls up and smiles at me,
"I locked him in the Bathroom." He says nonchalantly.
You crazy future husband of mine.
Suddenly before leaning in for another kiss Keith walks through the kitchen doorway and says,
"Hey I think the knob on the door of the bathroom is broken."
We scrambled to get away from each other.
Oh my god... Phew, we were almost found out.
Keith sat on the couch too, next to Dipper with his arm around him.
Gritting my teeth I lifted him up and put him on the corner while I scooted to the middle space where I could sit next to Dipper. I started staring at Keith as I vibrated slowly with a protective aura.
Keith Put his hands up as he we had a conversation with our minds.
Keith: "hey Will, why are you being like this? He's not that important is he?"
Will:"the hell you talking about! He's everything to me!!"
Keith:"oh? And how so?"
Will:"As much as your mom likes making rice cakes."
Keith:"hm. Your obsessed."
Will:"Back off Keith, this human I claimed already!!"
Keith:"you did? But I want him."
Keith:"you better watch it, I just might take him from you."
Will:"...I doubt it. You don't know what he's really like."
Keith:" on the contrary I do~"
Will:"...... Read his mind?"
Keith:"Oh yeah. <3"
I give him a cringy face.
Keith:" I know that your on bottom, and it's really cute how he tried to be the dominate one~ <3"
Keith:" but soon, he'll feel what it's like to be on bottom."
Snapping out on my mental conversation with Keith I look back at Dipper as he leans on my shoulder to fall asleep, I look at him as I move his bang aside to see his eyes closed shut.
Keith suddenly became to blush, I look at him with a confused face,
Keith:"read his mind right now...."
I look at Dipper then concentrated on looking into his mind,
He's dreaming of us having.....
I Blush a deep red immediately, Keith got up from the couch and walked himself out of the living room.
Leaning Dipper against the couch I followed him,
"Where do you think your going?"
"Home, sorry but there's something I gotta do, tell Dipper I said goodbye when he wakes."
I open the door for him as he walks out then stops on the porch mat.
"Also, enjoy you sex~" he said smirking.
I gritted my teeth as he walks off laughing, closing the door I pictured the ways he touched Dipper...there's that feeling again....what is it....?
"Your Jealous." Said a voice.
It was Dipper he was leaning on the doorway as he looked like he was sick,
I quickly went over to him and checked his temperature. He's burning.
I hear him chuckle,
"You were jealous weren't you?"
I give him a concerned face,
"Yeah....yeah I was. But that's not my concern my concern is that you look like your going to throw up."
He breathes,
"It's nothing, Keith must have drugged me or something, and I guess it took affect...."
Fuck. I can't take this anymore! KEITH THIS KEITH THAT! If I hear him utter that name again I'm seriously going to-
"Keith seems like a nice guy."
I suddenly picked him that off his feet then carried him upstairs to his room, I them proceed to lock his door and throw him on the bed.
"Will, seriously what gives...?" He says faintly.
".....why is it you call his name more that you call mine in one day...."
"I can't stand this feeling in my chest anymore, everytime you say HIS name it make me so angry that I don't even want to see him ever again!"
Dipper looks at me with lust in his eyes,
"....Willy....your....the feeling is...."
"I know, I was Jealous..."
I crawl into bed and got on top of him.
"You said that you didn't want give me to him, well, I don't want to give you to him....."
I kiss him on the lips as his heart beats got louder.
Muffled moans are heard from both of us,
Pulling away we leave a track of saliva. Licking my lips I start to peal my clothes away along with his,
"I'm on top this time."

WAHAHAHA SMUT HANGER!!! Tune in next time for you smut full chapter where Will decides to be on Top~~
See you next chapter~

WAHAHAHA SMUT HANGER!!! Tune in next time for you smut full chapter where Will decides to be on Top~~ See you next chapter~

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