Prologue: Late Some Evening

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the light from outside reflects off his back as he is fucking my wife.

he's into it enough that he doesn't notice until I feel him tense as I lay my palm against his backside. "mm..what have you brought us tonight?"

he withdraws from Raina enough to turn around, much to her disappointment I imagine. "hey..who the hell.."

"I'm her husband." my lack of outrage or shock or anything but amusement, I think it disarms him.

"I didn't know man..I didn't know she had.."

I catch his forearm as he moves to dismount, and draw him toward me to lay my lips against his side. "it's okay."

he is more violent in his attempts to get away this time. and he succeeds for now. "I'm not" he has trouble spitting this out.

"no?" as I kneel on the bed I know Raina has the same predatory look in her eyes that I do. "I think we need to take you out of your comfort zone."


"Why do you let people do your wife?"

"hm." joy lights my face as i see raina position behind him. "you will pay for it.."

I do hope he had his fun. I can see her making ready with the knife in hand.

"...with your life."

he turns around much to late and joyous laughter erupts from me.


long after he is silent, raina joins me again, bathed in a warming glow.

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