Act II: Somewhere to Belong Chapter IV

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"you want me to help you kill your own people?"

"they are not my people. The people of Meridian stemmed from the same culture, but I have gone a different way. Those like us, we do not occupy the same part of the system of this city as they do. not anymore.

"this leaves us with a curious relationship with others. the domesticated. for indeed the only prey fit for us is our fellow man. many of us reject the inclination for this reason. or become mere criminals. but for the few, the very few, it is a calling. it is no secret that humanity grows without limit. unchecked they will overrun and destroy this world and with it themselves. we are a natural part of their eco system. a predator to thin the human herd. this alone has been our purpose

"there are those that would denounce us as murders but to them we live in a vacuum where life and death are separated. all life requires death, in fact, and all death brings life. our actions are equivalent to creating life with the indifference so many of them justify. we are least have correct intentions. and if we enjoy our purpose, why not?"

I had to recover somewhere. so I did so under his care. I couldn't walk away under my own power, even if I could think of how I would explain my face. I didn't know anyone talented enough to treat my injuries as the doctors of meridian could. and Malak. so I let him. and he stayed with me and spoke with me. until I understood.

"you can either be exceptional or you can step aside. most people, they aren't worth the life they consume."


"all life, consumes life, requires death. the people of meridian have made the stuff of life a product. something they think is sold out of a cart. they are removed from the truth. that their lives are nourished by death, by many deaths, and each death brings many lives. each one by their existence alone is offsetting things so that one more cannot live so they do. so you see, life and death..they are the same. when you take life, you give life."

"I don't care. that...that may be right. but you just want me to do as you wish."

"you want to kill anyway. shouldn't it be for a purpose? a good purpose. Those people out there will all destroy themselves unless we save them. like wolves are to the sheep. we are their shepherds by being their predators. sheep need wolves, and they need us. or they will grow until they self destruct."

"color it with all the noble stories you like. we are...oh!" I remember what had been said to me. What so confused me about what he guard had been saying. "so that is it."

"what is it?"

"what that guard was speaking of. the one that injured me. he said he knew what i was. that we think we are righteous. it was you. he thought I was...are there more?" I looked as if I might see them.

"There have been. I have brought many into the fold, and they have been lost to my cause."

"That's comforting.."

"this is greater then your life. or mine."

I sighed deeply. "It already appears like I am one of you."

"are you? it is well then."

"on my own I'll burn out quickly."

"yours is a fire that burns quickly."

"but I won't...not until.."

"not until you can take everyone with you?"

"yes." i tried to stand and found I almost could now. "yes.."

"so you will be one of us?"

the presumptuousness irked me. for the sake of rebellion alone I shook my head. "I'm going home now. I listened to your offer. I have repaid you as you asked."

"you have not begun to repay me. but very well. I will wait for you."

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