Act I: Chapter III

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"wake up..I have a purpose in mind for you.."

my humiliation wasn't done. I wasn't dead. somehow. "what?" I answered without opening my eyes as they seemed reluctant to open.

"excellent. you are ready then." this was not him. not that guard who had attacked me. then who?

"ready? You..." i felt warm and covered. Someone moved me. "you brought me.." my eyes cracked open reluctantly and pain flooded into me with them. My head ached considerably. my face was numb. someone had wrapped it. my legs seemed to be strapped down. next to my bed was a hunched over, wearied, bizarrely short but otherwise young looking man with thick black hair that looked like it had never once been washed. it stuck out at odd directions and draped over his hazel green eyes that were staring intently at me. I had to shift a bit to see why he was so low to the ground. he wasn't so short as I fought. He was seated in a wooden wheelchair. I had heard of such things. My people had been offered in trade every odd thing they make down here.

"this was not an act of kindness. tending your injuries wasn't free. I have something in mind."

"just..let me die. I.." I was so not in the mood to be humiliated further. I hoped he would just get it over with. whoever he was.

"you would not have died you stupid man. you're in better shape then I am. You will be walking again before long in fact. and even so, your life is more valuable then that. I have seen what you can do. and you are needed."


"The reason the watched targeted you. The reason that guard did this to you. This is your value to me."

He was Malak. and he gave me a purpose. for the first time.

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