ACT I: Chapter II

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I was kind enough to take them back to their own encampment. It was on my way out anyway. The moon hung as the only light in the sky now. even up here the city fires kept the stars obscured.

I had to arrive on time. I had been planning to long for this not to.

I didn't know what to expect down in Meridian. I hadn't been there long since infancy. Only a look or two. Until recently anyway. It had been becoming a regular part of my life, now. I knew they still lived like they say most people do. for this reason there were plenty of them. and far enough away from home that I couldn't be seen or traced. I wasn't of their world now. and I could do what I wanted with them. From time to time it is nesscesary to tend to the need. and these people, they were like gifts to one such as me. I never could get enough.

I think it gave me pause the first time. I clenched my hands, looked away, tried to tell myself it wasn't something that could be done. I was dizzy as I tried to leave. shaking with the desire to hurt something. I took it out on myself until I couldn't stand it and I turned back. I couldn't resist the lure anymore.

I thought retribution would find me. Not just of the literal sort but that the universe would take notice and turn against me.

I swore never again. I swore that every time I did it. but it gets easier. so much that I hardly think about it now.

Invisible I thought I was. But someone was watching. and they knew. no matter. it needed to be done this way.

choosing a mark is like choosing a lover. I had chosen both often enough. some feel right, but not right enough. you want them all a little bit. but there is the perfect fit out there, if you hunt for it.

This one was isolated and uncertain of herself. she lived alone, traveled infrequently, knew little of the city of her birth. perhaps less then I. Yet she was not foolish. not stupid exactly. a bit naive. just enough. and beautiful of course. not by their standards entirely. but she was young, full with the mark of being well nourished and smelled oh so right. these were the things that mattered to me.

the woman that watched me enter the residence of Sarah Rose was homely herself. just the effect of age though. and trusting, clearly. or indifferent. since she thought nothing of it. both mistakes in this place.

i bounded up the stairs, a light drumming melody in my head. something heavier would have been appropriate, but I don't control the music.

the door eased open soundlessly, unlached as i knew it would be. i knew her habits by now and she would still be bathing.

I took Vision from where i sheathed him as i came to sit on the end of her bed, looking at my reflection in the blade's face as i awaited the moment. it's a terrible sin to look anything short of my best before I do this.

Time dragged on and I amused myself by pushing my cheek into the flat of the blade as I waited, letting the cold keep me sharp.

I thought about Letha and wondered if she would hold still while i cut her and if she would like it. Not the time for those thoughts now. the stage was set. the mask had to go on. it was time.

Sarah Rose came into the room as i set the blade back where it was.

"Who are you?"

This is always what they ask. always.

she stood in the doorway dressed in the same robe she must have taken to the bath with her.

I stood, my hands in front of me, my gesture soothing, warm, inviting, everything that wasn't there.

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