ACT II: Chapter 7

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I came every day to learn what Malak would show me, but it didn't take long for me to feel restless. I was certain I could win this time. Now that I had a short sword in place of a knife. I just needed the leverage and a bit of instruction. I didn't tell Malak I was going looking for him.

I expected to wander the streets for hours. maybe not find him today or even tomorrow. I didn't consider that he was looking for me.

his strike was slow and wide, just teasing me I think. I had the time to draw and deflect it.

"did you miss me so much?" he backed up and his glow was covered in the shadows again. "all recovered I see."

I should have had some witty remark prepared but I really couldn't concentrate around him.

"you just had to come find me. I won't be gentle with you this time." he came at me and i caught his blade with mine. he continued to look as maidenly pleased with himself as ever.

"This time will be different."

"I certainly hope so." he came at me in earnest, pressing me hard. it took all my concentration to hold him at bay, and he was gaining ground with me. I could feel his breath warm my face each time he exhaled. something stirred, my blood pumping furiously, growing hotter, my face flushing.

I grind my teeth at the look of joy that never left him and when i knocked his blade aside this time i rammed my forehead into his with all I had, throwing my weight behind it.

He didn't look it, but he must not have expected this. he tumbled backward, flailing a bit, and I didn't give him the space to breathe before i was on him.

as he tried to push off the ground i turned him face down in the street and fell on him, pinning him there. he managed to lift his his head a bit and laugh softly. "Interesting..."

Mastery pressing under his chin and forcing his head back only made him breathe harder.

"Kill me..." he groaned it.

"you want to die?" i pressed the blade into him.

"no..not yet...I was wrapped up in the moment."

Now that I had him weak, now that I held him at my mercy I didn't feel relieved. I felt horribly aroused.

I didn't dare take Mastery away from where I had it as I pushed his ceremonial tbs up and eased down his hosen. His backside was as pale as the rest of him and entirely without blemish or even hair. wholly smooth and perfect.

I pulsed at the sight of it and had to pul; myself free. I didn't waste time. I couldn't. I took myself in hand and parted him under me, splitting the bud of his anus. I didn't relish the feel of it. I never do. But the hatred kept me harder then I had ever been. There wasn't any pattern to my thrusting. I just imagined trying to push through the front of him and impale him on me.

taking my anger out on him only seemed to excite him more which only fed my anger, naturally.

"not going to kill me?"

this made me halt mid thrust. "you and I aren't finished.." his own words back at him.

"seize the opportunity..or die." he pushed me off easily. he had only been teasing me. letting me win. I backed up as he puled his garments back on and arranged himself perfectly. "you should have killed me."

when he came forward he knocked mastery from my hands. just as easily as he always did. he pressed his sword to the dip in my shoulder and smiled wickedly at me.

"you gave me so much fun though. So take your head and leave with it so we may do this again." with that he was gone once more. Still my superior.

My humiliation was even greater that he had allowed me to go free when he had won. My hatred and my lust for him had never burned brighter.

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