Act II: Chapter 6

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"you're back." Malak gave the impression that nothing ever surprised him.

"I will serve you.."

I did not let him interrupt.

"..however. I have a condition."

"everyone has their price. I expected as much. My having brought you back to health wasn't enough."

"I need someone who can teach me the sword. Make me strong. Strong enough that I cannot be broken again."

he didn't move to answer, but he did understand. I think he disapproved of my reasons. but he would do as I asked. He wanted me enough. "acceptable. I needed you as capable as possible anyway. First I have an assignment ready for you. we must make haste if we are to do this. It has to be done right away."

"wait what? who do you have who will teach me?"

"I will of course. we have no one else we can trust. you are my only student now."

"you? but you're.."

"I was not born this way child. I will give you instruction and you will learn to be my sword."


he gave me a withering stare.

"Fine. Fine. what has to be done?"

he seemed to be pleased again all at once. "In Meridian, food is a commodity. Not just a part of life."

"I don't..."

"A business. It is a source of income. agriculture isn't about nourishing people anymore. not here. it is about selling food. purely for the profit." I was beginning to understand these tangents were going to be a regular occurrence. he rounded on me then. "Do you know what happens when there is more food?"

"I...people eat it?"

"yes. and then?" he was glaring his impatience at me.

"I'm sorry I don't follow."

"then try thinking."

"If I knew what you were talking about I wouldn't have to play this game with you."

"population growth!" he yelled it over his shoulder. "when there is more food. there are more people. every year we increase food production here in meridian. and every year we get more people. and they are bringing in equipment from the western lands."


"if it gets here they will be able to double their production rate. their fields won't be worked by masses of laborers anymore but by massive machines that can do the work of dozens. I have heard the stories of them. Everyone tells them with awe and excitement. they have no idea what this will do. No fucking idea. This must be stopped."

"the what.."

he rounded on me again. "the head of Enfiri, food production in meridian, is Edward Ponzi. he is the one that will finalize the deal tomorrow and see that this equipment is brought in. if they lost him they would have to meet to elect a new CEO. The infighting would keep them busy for nearly a year and the contract would never get signed." he went off to the other side of the room. he seemed to be digging around in the cabinet drawers around his bed.

I followed. "so then you need me to kill this man?"

he pressed a long knife into my hands. "that is what you do."

it was heavier then Vision. not much. but also longer. "I notice you don't kill anyone."

"I couldn't even catch anyone. don't be foolish."

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