Chapter 1

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(Edited 9 Nov. 2016)

Please read the A/N at the end. Vote and comment please! xx

Jayn's P.O.V.

Saturday morning, the first one since school started.

God, School Started.

I thought summer would be longer, it's hard to get back to school, at least Alex is there.

I wake up to the sound of her, Alex, the girl who was supposed to know me better, for I absolutely HATE to wake up on Saturdays.

"Alex! What the hell are you doing here?! It's Saturday morning!" I yell without bothering to look up at her.

"Get up!" She says very excited. My head still in my pillow.


"Get. Up. Now!"

"What kind of important thing had you come over to my house, jump on my bed, and wake me from my dreams on a Saturday morning!" I shout.

"I got us both invited to the big party tonight!" She jumps again.

"What party?" I sit up on the bed rubbing my eyes.

"That rich girl from school, her birthday is tonight at this huge VIP club down the city!"

"What rich girl?" I yawn.

"Does it matter?! We're VIPs, at a huge club!" I can't even.

"Alex are you an idiot?" I facepalm.

Who am I kidding, of course she is.

"You want us to go to a party who we don't even know whose party it is?"

"All I know is that if we go we'll have soo much fun! And just though you know, You're the idiot. So get outta that bed and let's figure out what we're gonna wear!" She claps her hands, I huff and fall back on bed.

"God, why am I stuck with such a person in my life? What fault have I ever done?" I look at my ceiling with both hands on my forehead. She rolls her eyes.

She smacks me and pulls the sheets away making me groan, which makes her smack me again. Ugh.

After having a little chat about where the place is, and who the girl actually is, I finally change my mind and decide it would be fun.

What could possibly go wrong?

I go downstairs after a short shower. Kim is currently sitting on the table eating pancakes. Lots of pancakes.

"Traitor," I shake my head, very disappointed.

"It's 10 a.m, on a Saturday morning, you over slept on pancake morning so it's not my problem." She smirks and then takes a bite of her pancake.


"Whatever," I roll my eyes and she sticks her tongue out.

I sit on a chair beside the counter and mom smiles at me. Now's my chance.

"Mom, uh.. me and Alex want to..."

Alex then cuts me off, "I already told her and she said yes." Alex flips her hair in a dramatic kind of way and I just shake my head.

"Yeah?" I look at my mother, who's already smiling at me.

"Yeah darling, having fun won't be wrong would it?" Cool?

"Sure. Thanks." I grin.

Kim's attention diverts from her pancakes to us, "Can I go? I'll make the party even more fun." She says so casually with a small smirk on her face.

"No." I answer her quickly before mom can comprehend anything and then say yes. That would be a disaster! I'm not a babysitter, well she's 14 not a child, but still I won't spend the night following my little sister in a party God knows how it will be like.


When it was almost 6:30 p.m. Me and Alex were on the way to the party.

I wore a fit black glittery dress which as Alex said when she picked it for me 'Would Pop up my eyes'

Turned out the party was in a huge club, a VIP club, seriously it had a red carpet and a line of people waiting for their turn to check in, Bodyguards all over the place.

"I thought it was a birthday party..?" I turn to Alex who has the 'VIP' look going on, I know, weird.

"Honey, please just forget about everything and let's just have fun okay?" She stares at me until I nod giving her a small smile. She leads us to the bodyguard who asks for our cards to get in.

The club is absolutely amazing. It's a 'glow in the dark' kinda party. I look around, Many people are either at the bar or at the dance floor, people from our school.

Perfect. I feel Alex touch my hand and rub at it, I'm so nervous. "Relax, I'm here, no one can disturb you. Besides it's a party why would anyone think about you and last year's thing?"

I nod, she's right. It's a party. And everyone would be enjoying their time so what's stopping me from enjoying mine?

We both walk to the bar for a drink. Like Soda or something, I don't drink.

A girl suddenly appears in front of us.

"Alex! You Came!" She was looking at Alex but then she looks at me, I simply smile and mumble a 'happy birthday', she smiles back and nods.

"I see you brought some.. company." The Girl gives me a strange look, almost full of.. disgust. "I thought the extra ticket was for someone cool or something. Like your boyfriend."


Hey guys, as some of you might know, this story reached chapter 53, but a couple days ago,(Idk what exactly happened) I somehow unpublished more than half of the story. That was such a horrible experience, I was really hurt.

Like, the votes, comments, reads, all gone.

But I'm taking this from the bright side, this story needed so much editing and I'm doing it now.

I'll be updating regularly. After editing of course, so I um.. really hope you'll comment and vote. I'm sorry for doing this but I just have to. Please vote and comment again, it'll mean so much.

Lastly I want to thank whoopsiehdaiseh and xeniastyleslove for being so supportive. Ily guys. xx

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