Chapter 7

133 31 46

(Edited 17 Dec. 2016)

Jayn's P.O.V

"What the heck?!" She almost screams,

"Excuse me for a second," I look at the guys and they nod. I stand up and grab Alex by the hand. I lead us away from the guys.

"Alex I'm so sorry for making you worry. After you left, Doney, and a security guard, and I got stuck in a closet and I had an attack and-"

She pulls me into her arms, and I breath out.

"I don't care. All I care about is that you're okay."

"So you're not mad at me?" I pull away, she shakes her head making me smile. "So we good?"

"We will be, as soon as you tell me how in the world did you meet up with One Direction!"

"I'll tell you everything later, but long story short, they knew Jake." Her lips part, "We talked about him and I told them what happened to him. They didn't know."

"And then you decided to cheer up by having a food fight?"

"You know me so well," she rolls her eyes chuckling. "C'mon,"

We turn around and head back to where the guys are, they're currently laughing while Liam is trying to get them to help him clean up. They all stop what they're doing when they notice us.

"Everything okay?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah yeah." I smile.

Alex kicks my leg, I roll my eyes,

"This is Alex. My best friend."

"Hi!" They all salute her.

"Hello, okay so what in the world happened in here?" Okay, so she isn't rude!

Shes just like that.. all the time.. simply!

"Well you can ask the one who started the War." Liam points at me.

"Me! Louis was the one who said it was war!"

"Oh sure, blame it all on the sexy beast over here." Louis rolls his eyes. "And by the way I-"

"THERE YOU ARE!" My head snaps to the right,

My eyes widen when I realise that the stupid huge security guard-who was chancing me earlier- is storming into the room.

And he doesn't look very happy. Oops..?

He gives me the most screwed up glare. Dafuq?

"I'm sorry gentlemen this girl probably bothered you. I'll get her out this instant. NOW COME WITH ME YOU-" The bodyguard grabs my hand roughly, dayum.. so i guess he's kinda mad at me..?

"Hey, She's with us you can leave her." Liam steps in.

"I'm sorry sir, but this room isn't for any people. Especially for people like this thing."

Whats with people and calling me 'this thing'..?

"She has a name." Harry glares at him and stands beside me.

"Look Mister it's my job to get these kinda people out of your sight. I couldn't earlier and I almost lost my job! So I'm really mad right now and I'm going to get her out of here because she has no business." He raises his voice.

"She does have business here. The one who doesn't is you." Niall exclaims.

"I will not. Lose my job because of you. Now come with me I'm losing my temper!" He shouts, i try to jerk away but his force causes me to fall to the ground.

"Hey!" Harry rushes to help me up,

"AHHH!" I look up to see a red faced Alex, jumping on the security guard's back, slapping his head. Louis bursts out laughing, really Tomlinson? Really?

Niall and Liam pull her off of him, she still has some energy left so she keeps kicking and reaching to his face to scratch him. If my but wasn't hurting me right now, I would've been laughing, or video taping this.

Niall throws her over his shoulder, she gives the security guard a death glare. He rolls his eyes and mumbles something under his breath while adjusting his cloths.

I'm causing too much trouble. Damn, I always do.

"Guys it's okay, I'm fine. I'll just go with him." I shrug.

"Finally, you're such a-"

"No you're not going with him."

"I don't want to cause any more trouble Zayn." I give him a small smile.

"So Stubborn," Zayn rolls his eyes chuckling. Huh?

He surprises me by wrapping his hand around my waist and pulling me even more towards him. Alex stares at us in shock.

"I quite believe that my girlfriend does have business here." He shrugs. Wut?



"Did he just say his girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend..? you never said she was your-" The security guard's face turns red,

"That's because it is non of your business."


"Fire in the house!" Louis bursts out laughing. I would laugh too, but im too shocked.

"Dayumm bruhh.." Alex winks at me. I am like, completely frozen.

"Whatever," the security guard turns around and leaves.

"Thank you guys, thank you.. Zayn."

"Sure thing, we weren't going to let him just take you like that." Liam smiles at me.

I take a step to hug Liam but then realise Zayn's hand is still wrapped around my waist. Oh.

"Did you guys see the look on his face when Zayn burned his nosy ass?" Niall starts laughing, Zayn chuckles beside me and i swear to god his chuckle is so..



Sorry for such a cheesy chap. Like, ew i think this is my least fav. Itll get better,

And dont even start with me about the Gf thing. I regret nothing!
Oops. #sorrynotsorry.

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