Chapter 13

119 18 16

(Edited 12 March 2017)

Jayn's P.O.V.

"What the hell do you mean by not in the mood?" Alex sits on the side of my bed once she enters my room.

I huff, "I just don't feel like going out."

"We can't just cancel with them, you were fine yesterday.. what happened?"

I look at her but I dont reply, I just don't feel like going out. And it's not because of the Harry thing..Okay maybe a little, I just don't want to see him.

"Nothing, you go and tell them that I'm sick or something." I tell her, her face falls down but she nods. I know she hates it when I'm being distant.

"Then I'll just tell them we can't go tonight." She says and pulls out her phone.

I sit up in bed and reach for her phone. "What? No! I meant you go, and I'll stay here, its fine."

"I'm not leaving you alone like this, it's cool. We'll watch Teen Wolf and cry over Dylan O'brien. You know, the usuals." She attempts to laugh but she fails miserably making me feel horrible.

I roll my eyes and decide that I should try change my attitude for my best friend for once. "Fine, we'll go."

She squeals and jumps on me to give me a bone crushing hug. I chuckle to myself before pushing her off of me.

"Now let's get ready!" She claps her hands and out if nowhere, picks up a large bag-which seems to be quite heavy- and places it on my bed.

"And.. what is that?" I eye her weirdly before getting out of bed to stand beside her.

She rolls her eyes, "My make-up bag?"


"Would you please shut the hell up and let me fix you?" She opens her make-up bag/box or whatever that thing is and starts searching for her stuff.

Almost an hour later, I'm done with everything and sitting on my bed while watching Alex put on some final touches.

"You know we're not going to a wedding right?" She turns to me and rolls her eyes.

"I'm not over dressed you douchebag."

She's really isn't, she's wearing a shoulders-off violet sweater and a mid-thigh black skirt, which looks fabulous on her, but I'm just bored.

Before I can reply to her, my phone vibrates from beside me and I open my messages to find a text from Zayn.

Zayn: You guys Ready ?

Me: Nahh, not coming

Zayn: Ha ha, very funny.

Me: I'm not kidding.

Zayn: Yeah right, now get your ass down I'm at your front door.

Me: I'm not even dressed..

Zayn: Even better ;)

Me: Ew, what a freak.

Zayn: I personally prefer 'pervert'..

Me: I'm changing your contact name to Pervert.

Pervert: What happened to freak?

Me: non of your business

Pervert: Ouch, rude. Now get the door I'm tired.

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