Chapter 3

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Rachel walks up to me and slaps me. What a bitch. She's just a jealous bitch just because my best guy friend is Finn and because I sang 'Don't Rain On My Parade'. Now I know why everyone doesn't like her. I am going to my locker and I see Rachel with Finn at his locker. When I walk up to my locker they stop talking and Rachel gives me a dirty look. I open my locker and I hear Finn say "hey Nya what's up?" I hear a big smack and Rachel slapped Finn just for talking to me. I ignore him and Rachel starts yelling at Rachel. I close my locker and walk away and Puck sneaks up behind me and hold my hand. "Excuse me, what are you doing?" "You owe me a kiss." I kiss Puck on the face and he was shocked. "What the hell was that?" "You wanted a kiss so you got a kiss" "that was just a kiss on the cheek. I meant a kiss on the lips. And trust me, after one kiss you will want more. So we should go to my house and just make out!!!" "Is that so uh. Well maybe we can go to your house. And I can 'help' you with your homework." "I'd love that miss Stanton." The bell rang for math class and I rush there because I don't want to be late. I walk in there and Quinn saved me a seat beside her. "Hey what's up Nya. Nice uniform." "Thanks girl" "how does it feel to be a Cheerio?" "It's feels pretty great" "who's the captain?" "Santana and Becky are co-captains." "Omg really? That's messed" "yeah I know it gets out of hand sometimes." "Okay everybody take your seats." Mr. Taylor walked in as our substitute. Apparently he is the hottest substitute in all of Ohio, and trust me I agree. All the guys act so weird because the girls act all cute around him. Except Rachel. Mr. Taylor was in the middle of a lesson an of a course Puck texted me. "Hey babe, can't wait to see you tonight." I rolled my eyes and replied "hey, I can't wait either." "Okay everybody time to take attendance, I call your names and you can can say if your here... "NYA STANTON" "here" "is your dad Ronni Stanton?" "Yeah, yeah he is" "I love his music!" Santana yells out "who doesn't. And you're related to the biggest music producers in L.A? That's why you are such a better singer then Rachel." After class was over everyone was crowded around me and talking to me and I'm so glad puck came to save me. Next was Spanish with Mr. Shuester. I was excited for that class.

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