Chapter 13

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"So I was rolling up the ramp and she jumps up right in front of me and I roll backwards and fall off my chair at the end of the ramp" "oh my god that's too funny. So did she help you up?" "Yeah but it took her almost ten minutes though" "okay Artie stop telling legendary stories about me" "sorry Britt, there just so funny." We were all started laughing at Artie and Brittany's stories until the check comes and then Artie decides to pay for all of us and then we go home. Once we walk in the door of my house Puck starts kissing my neck. "Puck stop" he keeps kissing my neck "NOAH... STOP" je stops now and I can tell he is pissed of at me. "What do you want?" "I don't want to do it tonight!" "Why not?" "Noah we have been dating for almost one month and we've had so much sex" "so..." "So let's take a break for once. Let's just live our lives outside of the bedroom." "Fine. I'm not sleeping with you tonight!" "Okay, I wanted to sleep by myself tonight anyway." "Okay if you need me I'll be in the guest room" "okay." Puck walks away and I'm glad I'm not sleeping with tonight because I want to think about school and stuff.


"Hey Finn, how's it going?" "Hey Nya, I'm fine how are you?" "Good thanks." Me and Finn talked all day and we also talked to Quinn, Santana and Kurt. Finn, Mike, Quinn and I were walking down the hall and Kirofsky gives me a dirty look and then pretends to him me. Mike and Finn throw him against the lockers and Mike was holding him and Finn was going to punch him and then I but in and say "don't worry Finn, I got this." Finn moves out of the way and I punch Kirofsky right in the jaw. He started holding it and then he couldn't talk and that's when we realized that I broke his jaw, with one girly punch. "Wow, teach us how to punch like that!!!" Mike said surprisingly and Finn agreed. "Okay so you don't need to be protected by us anymore" Quinn said jokingly. Everyone heard around the school that I broke Kirofsky's jaw and once Puck hears about it he rushes up to me and hugs me. "You don't know how long I wanted to do that to that fat bastard!" "Now you don't have to cause I did it for you!" "Your right!" Me an Puck walk down the hall holding hands I can tell by the way people started that they were jealous of me because I broke a guys jaw.

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