Chapter 5

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*third day of school*
Okay I hope Rachel doesn't find out that me and Finn had sex. I also hope Puck doesn't find out, since we made out after the first day of school. I stop at my locker and of course Finn was at his locker with Rachel. When I opened my locker both Finn and Rachel looked at me. Finn, he smiled at me and Rachel gave me another dirty look. I didn't even bother smiling back at Finn, I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. I feel so guilty that Finn cheated and I was the one he cheated with. I close my locker and I go to find Quinn before class. "Hey Quinn can I tell you something?" "Yeah of course you can. What is it?" "I- I had sex with Finn last night. And he is still dating Rachel." "Listen to me, I've went through a similar situation in grade 10. I was dating Finn and I cheated on him with Puck. I had sex with Puck and got pregnant. Well the point of the story is end it now before something bad happens okay." "Okay. Thanks for you're help." "No problem. We are best friend right?" "Of course we are!!!"

I texted Finn saying if something
Hey Finn, if there is something going on between us I can't do it anymore. I still would love to be friends if that's fine with you. I'm sorry I sent it in a text, I didn't want to tell you in person because you were probably with Rachel and I didn't want her to find out. Hope it goes well with you two. Bye"

I was heart broken when I sent that text. But it's for the best, I didn't want to ruin somebody's relationship. Fin texted me back. I was afraid to open it, I hope he wasn't mad at me.

"Hey Nya, I agree. Thanks for saying that and not trying to interfere in a relationship. I still want to be friends. Can we not tell Rachel about last night?!"

"Of course we can't tell her."

Im so glad Finn understood. Now I'm just going to focus on school, my family, and Puck. I hope he still like me. "Hey Milf, what's up?" "Hey Puck" "you want to come over tonight?" "I'd love to" "great." All of a sudden Kirofsky comes over and punches Puck right in the face. "Kirofsky what the hell was that for?" "Your starting to like my woman" "you mean Nya?" "Yeah." I jump in "hey Kirofsky I'm not your woman. Now walk away and shut your face" "ooh your turning me on right now." I was ready to go up and punch Kirofsky in the balls, but I didn't cause he doesn't have any. But then Puck jumps I front of me and starts punching Kirofsky. Suddenly Kirofsky goes to punch Puck but he sucks and Kirofsky punches me right in my left eye. I walk away and Brittany, Quinn, and Santana bring me to the bathroom. Luckily they saw everything and I didn't have to explain it. "This is going  to be a bad black eye." Quinn mentioned. Brittany had to add in "I had a black eye once, then I realized I did my makeup" Santana also had to thank Brittany for adding that.

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