Chapter 2

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AN: Thanks so much Ame_Tasogare for commenting on the previous chapter! Hope you'll enjoy this chapter as well!


Chapter 2:

Reaching the Grand Mark's Court, Logre decided to linger outside for a while longer. Moving away from the mainstream of bustling explorers and locals, Logre found himself musing over recent events as he lingered at the foot of the steps leading inside.

There was a lot to take in. So much had happened in such a short amount of time. He could still remember that day when he met a rookie guild and taught them how to draw up maps.

Since that day, life really began to change. Reaching further lands, exploring treacherous labyrinths, meeting unique citizens who live within the labyrinths. Quite an adventure, one fraught with danger and mystery.


Logre shook his head to prevent himself from traversing down that path of thought. He instead focused on the positives. And there were many.

With the Heavenbringer subdued and no longer a threat to life itself, Logre felt as though a huge weight has been lifted from his shoulders. The final battle was long and hard, precarious in so many different ways.

Yet, the guild he was a part of, his guild, had managed to win. Not a single life was lost. The Medium was saved and so was Prince Baldur. His fellow Imperial Knights have been also rescued, the Count allowing them to seek refuge within Tharsis. Everyone was safe now.

With his part done, Logre figured that he would go back to as either an Imperial Knight for his majesty, Prince Baldur, or become Whirlwind again. His guild, however, had other ideas. He was a part of their guild, so he was stuck with them. There was no way they were going to retire him or let him leave.

They had threatened to hunt him down and drag him kicking and screaming back to Tharsis if he tried anything. And regarding how stubborn and determined his guild was, that wasn't a threat to take lightly.

As Isiah put it, he wasn't allowed to wallow in self-pity.

"Good day, Logre."

"Ah, Kirjonen," Logre said as a lopsided grin immediately appeared on his lips, turning his head slightly to give his attention to the one who pulled him from his musings. "Here to speak with the Count?"

"Indeed," Kirjonen replied as he paused at the bottom step leading into the Mark's Court. "Are you here to ensure that Prince Baldur doesn't try to escape again?"

Logre physically winced as he glanced up at the multi-storied building with some trepidation. "I hope he's still inside."

Kirjonen chuckled before having to take a slight step to the side to allow a small group of heavily armoured Imperials to descend the stairs from the Grand Mark's Court. The group gave Logre a quick salute of respect, of which he returned with a nod of his head, before quickly marching away with a seeming sense of purpose.

Hopefully that didn't mean what he thought it did...

"Imperials seem to be finding it the most difficult to settle within the lifestyle of Tharsis," Kirjonen suddenly commented.

Logre sighed before nodding his head in understanding. "Not much of a surprise."

Kirjonen granted him a curious look, prompting him to continue with his train of thought. "Hm?"

Logre found himself sighing again as he folded his arms over his chest. "Imperials...We're loyal, but meant to be loners. Our armour prevented touch. Touch, after all, could have led to poisoning and death."

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