Chapter 6

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AN: Long chapter ahoy! Just a special something from Baldur's POV. Enjoy!


Chapter 6:

Baldur didn't like to be touched. Completely reasonable considering that he grew up with the knowledge and threat that the slightest mistouch could lead to severe poisoning and ultimately death.

That medic, on the other hand, was continuously man-handling him. A hand on the head or shoulder, picking him up and flinging him over his shoulder. Or, worst of all, carrying him under his arm like he was nothing more than a few logs of fire wood, all the while knocking out any Imperial that tried to intervene. He was a medic; he shouldn't have that kind of strength to throw him around like a rag-doll. It was absolutely infuriating!

"Unhand me," Baldur hissed as the medic, Isiah, dragged him effortlessly through the streets unimpeded. Not even his loyal knights were brave enough to interfere.

"It's either this or Chain Circle," Isiah said as he tightened his grip on Baldur's shoulder and peered down at him through his one visible eye. Baldur had to begrudgingly admit to himself that the medic was terrifying whenever he did that. "What will it be?"

Baldur winced as he glanced off to the side, toward the little vessel that was happily trotting alongside Isiah. Zoran looked cute and harmless, but he was potent with his circle magic. The slightest gesture from Isiah and he would cast his magic. And it would work first time, every time.

That was also infuriating.

With his current condition, the only thing he could do was sigh and allow the medic to drag him along. Apparently, his health had improved enough to be moved from the Grand Mark's Court to live with Tharsis' top three researchers. Which meant, he was going to be living with Isiah, along with the nightseeker and runemaster.

Which also meant sneaking out was going to be harder.

How maddening.

"Oh, welcome home, Isiah," a somewhat familiar voice greeted when Isiah tugged Baldur inside of a three story building. Standing in the middle of a room with several couches was a man with purple hair and the exotic outfit of a dancer.

Baldur somewhat knew the dancer. He, like all the other members of the Phaedron guild, would drag him back to Isiah each and every time he tried to escape.

"Mahalah," Isiah said in return as he pulled Baldur further into the residence and closed the door, standing between him and it. "The others not back yet?"

"Not yet," the dancer replied as he glanced toward Baldur. He had a small smile on his face, but his eyes held curiosity. He, however, seemed to quickly realise something and turned his focus back to Isiah. "Ah, so Baldur will be staying with you at the clinic now?"

Isiah nodded his head as he dropped a carry bag to the floor and roughly ran a hand through his hair. He then looked pointedly a Baldur. "Since he's always up and about, I can keep a better eye on him here."

Baldur couldn't think of a way to verbally respond to that, so he simply sent the menacing medic a glare. His glares were usually enough to shut anyone up, but Isiah just rolled his eyes and the dancer seemed to find it amusing.

Ugh, living here was going to be hell. Where was Logre, anyway?

The front door to the residence suddenly opened and a troop of rather weary looking men stepped inside. He instantly recognised the majority of them. They were all members of Guild Phaedron.

"Welcome back. How did everything...?" Mahalah asked, at first with a welcoming expression on his face before trailing off, tilting his head to the side in confusion. "What happened?"

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