Chapter 14

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AN: Big, big thanks to Ame_Tasogare for commenting on the previous chapter!


Chapter 13:

Despite the terrible circumstances that brought him to the Researchers' Clinic in the first place, Ciaran had the best night sleep he has had in a long time. It must be due to the fact that he was surrounded by the protective and powerful members of the Phaedron Guild. That, or Isiah gave him a relaxing agent to help him destress and to cope with the pain in his injured arm.

Probably both.

"Morning, Ciaran," Isiah greeted when Ciaran walked down stairs and toward the kitchen area, gingerly touching his slightly throbbing arm as he did so.

"Hey Isiah," Ciaran returned the greeting, noting with a mild sense of surprise that Baldur was sitting at the kitchen table with Isiah close by, a cup of tea in front of him and a somewhat annoyed expression on his face as he flipped through a book.

No doubt that he had heard that Ciaran was attacked at the wharf last night by Imperials and was less then pleased by the entire thing. The once sullen and aloof prince had certainly calmed down during the last few days. He hadn't been trying to escape like he had done numerous times before. He wasn't scoffing at Isiah and was willingly spending time with the guild.

But that was what Guild Phaedron did. They made people feel safe around them. One couldn't help but be drawn to them.

"Pain?" Isiah suddenly questioned, indicting with a tilt of his head toward Ciaran's right arm, of which he was subconsciously cradling against his side.

Ciaran took a moment to try to find the right words to describe the sensation in his arm. "More like a slight ache."

"Drink this," Isiah instructed as he plucked up a blue medica bottle from the kitchen counter and tossed it to him. "It'll stop the discomfort."

The bottle hit him square in the chest, so it was easy for him to catch, even with an injured arm. "Thanks."

He quickly opened the bottle and began to sip the liquid slowly, looking around the room as he did so. He immediately noticed that few of the guild were occupying the seating area, sleeping as restfully as they could.

Varuna and Bryce were on one of the couches together, Bryce with an arm hanging over the back of the couch while the other was wrapped securely around Varuna, whom was sleeping curled up next to him, his head resting on his chest.

Falkner and Miach occupied the other couch, Falkner at one end with his arms folded over his chest, his head back and his feet propped up on the coffee table. Miach was curled up at the other end, hanging over the arm of the couch, his legs curled up underneath him. How he could be comfortable, let alone sleep like that, Ciaran would never know.

There were a few blankets tossed around, so it was obvious that everyone from the guild decided their best course of action was to stick together for the night. They had probably took turns keeping watch.

Ciaran then glanced over toward the patient room to see the door slightly ajar. If Xander was still inside then that meant he was hurt worse than previously thought, right?

"How's the patient?" he asked as he turned his attention to Isiah, slightly nervous to hear his answer.

"Still sleeping," Isiah replied with a smirk on his lips, completely and utterly unconcerned. "You can check on him if you like."

Ciaran thought that suggestion over for a moment as he finished the rest of his medica. He was curious (yes, alright, worried) about the strange and aloof Imperial. He did protect him and the wharf last night, after all. But...he wasn't exactly in the mood for another scolding from him. Still...

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