Chapter 18

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AN: Thanks so much Ame_Tasogare for commenting on the previous chapter and for those adorable fanarts~ <3


Chapter 18:

As soon as the airship Espiritu was close enough to the Echoing Library, Varuna grabbed a rope and leapt over the side of the gondola, landing heavily on a stone balcony and quickly tied the rope to a place that will ensure that their airship would stay secured moored until they returned.

After ensuring that their airship was in no threat of crashing into the building, Bryce locked the wheel in place and quickly joined Varuna, he, too leaping over the side. They shared a quick glance before wordlessly turning to the labyrinth's entrance and racing inside.

They needed to move as quickly as they could. They had to travel through two floors and there was no guarantee that the first spot they checked would hold the waterlilies they desperately needed. There were only three places in the entire labyrinth that grew waterlilies. They could get their hands on at least one, surely.

No, they had to. For Kirjonen's sake!

"The Waterlily leaves are found in several places," Varuna said as he and Bryce bypassed the first floor completely with the thanks of a well-placed shortcut and raced down the stairs. "We'll obviously head to the closest first."

"Right," Bryce said as he kept a firm grip on his sword, ready and willing to draw it at a moment's notice. "You get the waterlilies and I'll look out for monsters."

Varuna absentmindedly tightened his hand on his knapsack, mentally going over what he needed to do when he found a waterlily leaf to ensure that it stayed fresh enough until they reached the Forgotten Capital. "Right."

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, they quickly barrelled through another shortcut and raced toward a door that was situated at the end of a northern pathway. However, as they drew closer to the door, there appeared to be something in their way.

...Shit. It wasn't a monster or FOE. That would have been too easy.

It was a fucking Imperial. And they appeared to be standing directly in front of the door.

"Who the hell are you?" Bryce asked harshly as they reluctantly skidded to a stop and he drew his sword, gripping it tightly with both hands.

The lone Imperial didn't answer. Instead, they straightened their shoulders into a more intimidating stance. It also appeared as if they weren't going to move an inch from where they were standing. Unfortunately, where they were standing was where Varuna and Bryce really, really needed to go.

What should they do?

"I have a solution," Bryce suddenly said as he kept his gaze on the imperial.

"And what's that?" Varuna asked as he tightened his grip on the handles of his blades.

"Let's beat the shit out of them!"

Varuna felt his eye twitch. He really should have expected that. "That's your 'solution' to everything."

Bryce gave a slight shrug. "Worked so far, right?"

"...Can't argue with that, I suppose," Varuna muttered before unsheathing his blades in two quick, fluent movements and straightened his posture, ready for battle.

"L-let's not be hasty!" the Imperial unexpectedly shrieked at them, flailing their hands about in front of them.

Their reaction was surprising and startling, pulling both Varuna and Bryce to an abrupt pause. They shared a quick glance, not entirely sure of what to make of the Imperial in front of them or how to proceed. They needed to get around them, though. One way or another.

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