Chapter 16

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AN: Thanks so much Ame_Tasogare for commenting on the previous chapter!


Chapter 16:

After his 'introduction' to elder Jerimoth, Roxbury was abruptly hauled to his feet, his shackles around his ankles removed before he was manhandled through a building known as Golden Deer Keep. They made sure that his arms remained restrained, however, something along the times of not wanting a repeat of that event.

Jerimoth, Neolani, along with the troop of Imperial soldiers then walked over to a set of doors that, strangely, had been locked with sturdy chains and a large padlock that appeared rather ancient. They had been there for a long time, and despite evidence of some tampering, remained strong.

However, Jerimoth produced a key and offered it to Neolani, granting her the chance to unlock the doors, which she did quickly, tossing both the lock and chains aside. As she pushed opens the doors, a large set of steps leading upwards were the focal point of the room.

Ascending the stairs, Roxbury suddenly found himself outside, in an area that held little life. The trees looked bare and sickly, the grass an unnatural yellowy-green. He was still within the territory of the Cloudy Stronghold, but where exactly, he hadn't a clue.

They marched through the sparse foliage for what seemed like half an hour before another building towered up in the distance. And as they drew closer, Roxbury felt a powerful sense of dread wash over him, making him feel physically queasy.

The building was unlike any other found in the Cloudy Stronghold. Unlike anything he had seen before. It was so much more...darker and foreboding. And old. Ancient. Frighteningly so. The outside walls were weather beaten and stagnate. And completely black. No visible windows. It looked completely unliveable. It might have been mighty once, but no more.

There couldn't possibly be anything alive inside, could there? Who, or rather what, could possibly survive?

"What is this place?" Roxbury questioned aloud.

Surprisingly, Zesiro seemed to answer. "A place you don't want to wander too far alone."

Roxbury didn't trust Zesiro as far as he could kick him, but he was the only person he could actually talk to. He'd likely get a punch to the face if he dared to even look in Neolani's direction without her consent. He was also somewhat familiar. That was probably what Nitish felt when he was kidnapped and the only person he could find any familiarity with was Achyuta.

He could only hope that Zesiro took after his twin in that aspect.

Barely pausing in their steps, the troops with Jerimoth and Neolani at the front, continued straight toward the foreboding building. Zesiro moved in front of him while Kalan walked a couple of steps behind him. He seemed to be walking around just fine, needing no aide. Not that he would get any, most likely. So, he may be blind, but there was a high possibility that he, too, gained some kind of psychic ability during his harsh training.

Why was he tagging along, though? Were they turning him into a teacher of sorts, too? Or was he around for something else?

Roxbury, of course, didn't have much time to ponder those questions as he was continually being pushed along. Up a flight of stairs, they travelled and reached a set of doors that seemed to be made of solid steel. Armoured steel.

The sight of them alone was rather...ominous. Why the reinforcement? Were they built to keep out the toxins and poisons of the Cloudy Stronghold? Or was something barricaded inside?

Roxbury didn't exactly want to know the answer to those questions, but again he didn't have much of a choice. With a kick from Neolani, the doors opened and everyone fearlessly marched inside.

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