Chapter 1: It Ends Tonight

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Reid hears a knock on his door. He looks at his clock, saying it's 3:45 in the morning. He groans and makes his way to his door. He opens the door and there is standing Morgan, his boyfriend.

"Morgan?" Reid questions then rubs his eyes. "Its almost 4 in the morning." He states in a tired voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Reid I told you, we said we would finish the discussion as soon as I returned." Morgan states in a serious tone.

"Morgan, stop it was a stupid fight. It doesn't matter anymore. " Reid explains. "Can't we just discuss this later?" He asks.

Morgan shakes his head and storms into the room.

"Eh duh Morgan?!" Reid stumbles on his words.

"Spencer." Morgan silences him, he never used Reids first name unless it was serious. Reid stopped talking.

"We need to discuss this now." Morgan states. "That wasn't just a stupid fight, that fight got serious. All because of something I said."

"Look, I just overreacted." Reid tries to explain but was stopped.

"Spencer Reid, just shut up and listen." Morgan barks. "You and I have been arguing way to much lately." He states. "I dont like it but now that I think about the fights, it's been because of the cases and other things."

"Oh? Those other things? Is that what you call it now? Our fight over my addiction in the PAST?" Reid jumps in.

"Reid it-"

"No Morgan!" Reid interrupts. "Look we were fighting over so many things! So much stupid...." Reid tries to find another word but gives up, because of the built up rage. "Stupid shit!" He starts to spazz. "Just because you are some damn alpha man, doesn't mean you can come into my life and start telling me how to live mine!" He starts to freak out even more. "And I'm sorry that I my addiction was hard for you to deal with, but you don't feel the pain I feel with the withdrawals!" Morgan wants to say something but Reid continues. "God just everything you argue with me about makes me want to reuse again!"

"Reid calm down." Morgan tries to defuse the whole thing.

"I was just fine without you in my life once and I can go without you again." Reid states, ignoring Morgan's earlier comment.

"Reid no dont say it." Morgan pleads.

"Its over..." Reid states, he feels tears rolling down his cheeks. Morgan notices this.

"Reid..." Morgan tries to speak.

"Get out..." Reid orders. Morgan is about to say something else but Reid stops him with, "Please leave..." Morgan nods and heads for the door. Before he walks out of the door he turns around to see Reid turning his back towards him.

"I won't give up on you that easily." Morgan states and notices Reid shaking and hearing soft sobs. Morgan then closes the door behind him and before he heads for the stairs he takes a moment as he let's his tears fall from his eyes.

Reid doesn't want to sleep anymore, all he wants to do is curl up into a ball and cry.

The time to go to work came.

Garcia and JJ are talking about how they get their hair color to stay so brightly blonde but stopped as they notice Reid walk in without Morgan.

"Hey Reid, where's Morgan?" JJ asks. "You two always come to work together." She adds.

"I...we...we aren't doing that anymore." Reid answers.

Garcia is about to speak but sees Hotch coming down, so she keeps quiet. JJ ignores Hotch's arrival and keeps going. "Why?" She asks.

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