Chapter 8: Tensions Rise

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Reid hears the sound of a door opening. He stops trying to get free and listens. The unsub has returned but with someone else. "There you go." The voice states as he throws someone to the floor.

"Reid?" Hotch looks up and quickly ungags him.

"Hotch?" Reid coughed out.

"I'll let you two have some time alone." The unsub states and walks back up the stairs.

Hotch unblindfolds Reid. "Its me Reid. It's me." Hotch sooths and unties Reid.

"How did-"

"Here drink some water." Hotch orders.

Reid takes the water but doesn't drink it.

"Hotch how did you get taken?" Reid asks.

"He ran me off the road." Hotch answers. "Has he hurt you?" Hotch asks, looking over Reid.

"No." Reid answers. "He didn't hurt me."

"Did he tell you why he wanted to kidnap us?" Hotch asks, waiting for the answer. Reid thinks it over trying to remember what he had heard the unsub say. Then shakes his head, no, lying.

"No, he didn't tell me." Reid states and takes a sip of the water.

"Morgan and Rossi must have figured out that I didn't make it to the station, by now." Hotch mumbles, mostly to himself.

Reid doesn't look at Hotch, he keeps his eyes on the floor infront of him. Hotch notices Reid refusing to make eye contact. "Reid, what's going on?" He asks.

"Nothing." Reid answers.

"Really?" Hotch asks. "You told me you were in love with Morgan, then you decide you didnt want to be teamed up with him today, and now you refuse to even look at me." Hotch states. "Tell me what is going on." He demands.

"I am having second thoughts." Reid answers.

"About what?" Hotch asks.

"About everything. You. Morgan." Reid answers and keeps looking at the ground.

"Reid..." Hotch sits next to him, earning a glare. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" He asks.

"Im not." Reid answers. "My mind is doing this to me." He states and looks away from Hotch. Hotch doesn't know what to say to this, so he looks away and to the floor. "How long do you think it will be before he comes back down here?" Reid asks, mood totally changed in his tone.

Hotch thinks about it for a minute. "Most likely be back in an hour or more." He answers. Hotch turns back to Reid. "Are you sure he didn't say anything to you of why he has us?" He checks.

Reid thinks for a moment and sighs in defeat. "He said something about how I dont have to worry about choosing." He answers. "I didnt think it meant he wanted to kidnap you."

"So he knows about you second guessing everything?" Hotch asks. Reid nods and places the bottle of water onto the floor.

They both say nothing, not sure of what to say exactly. That's when they hear the door open again. Reid looks up, not moving from his spot. Hotch gets to his feet, ready to defend himself and Reid. "Easy big guy." The unsub states. "Just brought you two a little something." He states and hands them a cooler. Hotch looks back at Reid unsure of what to do. Reid shakes his head no, telling him not to take it. "Come on, you two need to eat dont you?" The unsub asks. Hotch then takes the cooler slowly and waits till the door is fully closed before looking through it.

"What did he put in there?" Reid asks, not really caring for food, just out of curiousity.

"Sandwiches, bottle of wine, wine glasses, cheese, bread, crackers, and grapes." Hotch answers and looks to Reid, earning the same look of confusion from him. "I think I know what he wants." Hotch states.

Reid looks up at him, surprised. "You mean?" Hotch nods.

Morgan, Rossi, JJ, and Prentiss try everything they can to figure out who the unsub is and why he has Hotch and Reid.

"Do you think he has Hotch and Reid because he knows about them?" Prentiss asks.

"Then he would have gone after you two and me." Morgan states.

"Not really." Rossi states. "I've noticed that the victims are white and male." He points out.

"So he doesn't like females, he doesn't like cross-racial couples, and so he targets white males." JJ states.

"Meaning he must have liked idea of Reid and Hotch as a couple." Rossi states.

"We need to find them. There's no telling what he is doing to them." Morgan states and looks through folders.

Hotch tries to offer Reid the food, but he keeps refusing it. "Reid you need to eat." He tries to explain.

"I'm not hungry." Reid argues and sits against the post that he was tied up to.

"At least drink more water." Hotch tries to insist, handing him a bottle of water.

"I'm not thirsty." Reid states.


"Hotch I'm fine." Reid insists.

Hotch gives up and takes the bottle for himself.

Hours have passed and the team has been having a few problems narrowing down the unsub. "So he must be a white male himself." JJ starts up as she brings coffee for everyone. "Possibly in his thirties since the other victims were in their thirties aswell."

"Except Reid." Morgan states.

"Except Reid." JJ repeats.

"What if the unsubs intentions were to drag us out here so he can actually get Hotch's and Reids attention?" Rossi asks.

"Why would he wants their attention?" Prentiss asks.

"Maybe because he gets off on two or more guys getting it on." Officer Phil suggests with a dumb grin on his face.

"I swear to god if you make one more insult like that about gays I will kick your sorry ass!" Morgan threatens and tries to step towards him, but Rossi stops him.

"Whoa, hey now. Let's just call take a chill pill." Rossi orders. "Officer Phil, I suggest you leave." Rossi growls. Officer Phil does what is suggested and leaves.

"I swear he will be the first to go if I were in charge here." Morgan growls.

"Yeah well you aren't in charge." Rossi reminds him. "Now stay focused on the case." He orders.

Morgan nods and walks back to the table.

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