Chapter 2: It's Official

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Morgan and Rossi head for the first family. "So what is with you and Reid?" Rossi asks.

"He broke up with me." Morgan states.

"Oh? Why is that?" Rossi asks.

"He said I push him to much." Morgan states.

"Well do you?" Rossi asks as he glances at Morgan.

"I might have." Morgan admits with a sigh.

"Hmm." Rossi responds.

Prentiss and JJ arrive at the first scene and looks around for any clues.

"So Reid and Morgan are broken up?" Prentiss asks.

"Yup, Reid dumped him." JJ states.

"Hotch seems to be jumping at the moment." Prentiss points out.

"What?" JJ looks up at Prentiss. "What do you mean?"

"He's literually keeping his eyes on Reid and also Reid follows him like a puppy now." Prentiss explains.

"I've noticed that too actually." JJ states and then looks into the drainage pipe. "I found something."

Prentiss walks over and looks. "Is that?"

"Yup, it's a gun." JJ answers.

Hotch and Reid get to the station. "Special Agent Hotchner?" They are greeted by a man with the name of Sherriff Buchmann.

"Yes." Hotch responds. "This is Doctor Spencer Reid." He states, pointing to Reid.

Buchmann reaches out his hand to shake his, but Reid just waves instead.

"Is don't shake hands with people I don't know." Reid explains.

"Understandable." Buchmann says and leads them into the briefing room. "I have everything set up For you, please let me know if there's more I can do." He states and walks away.

Hotch turns to Reid who is already looking over everything marked on the maps. Reid doesn't notice Hotch starring until he hears something get knocked over. He looks up and sees Hotch grabbing the object and Just nodded at Reid.

"You don't have to worry about me." Reid states as he goes back to looking at the maps.

"Reid, you broke up with Morgan after how long? And you say you are fine." Hotch walks over to him. "I don't believe it."

"Well try too." Reid responds. "Because I did the dumping." He points out and then looks too Hotch. "I can't go back now."

"So what happen now?" Hotch asks.

"We call JJ and Prentiss." Reid answers in a plain tone.

"What? Why?" Hotch asks, in his usual tone.

"Because one of two of the victims have the same dumping grounds, meaning our unsub might have Just found his favorite dumping grounds." Reid explains.

"What do they need to know?" Hotch asks as he takes out his cell phone.

"Possibly another victim or maybe see if anyone lives near there." Reid answers.

Hotch nods and calls JJ right away, then heads off into the next room.

Reid is left in the briefing room. His phone goes off and there is Morgans name right on his screen. He takes a deep breath and answers it. "Yeah?"

"Reid, the first family said they didn't even know their daughter was missing." Morgan states, cutting to the point.

"I thought all families were notified?" Reid mumbles and looks through the files again. "Someones tampared with the files." He states annoyed.

Hotch comes walking in right then and there and sees Reid on the phone. Reid mouths the nae Morgan to answer Hotchs unspoken question.

Hotch then nods and sits down next Reid.

"Well pretty boy, might want to let Hotch know." Reid flinches at the nickname.

"Don't say that." Reid begs Morgan and turns his seat away from Hotch.

"Say what?" Morgan asks confused.

"Pretty boy." Reid answers.

"Reid, I always do that. Why does that matter now?" Morgan asks annoyed.

Reid flinches at every word hissed. Hotch notices and sits on his left side.

"Morgan, I'm working on the case..." Reid mumbles.

"So am I kid, but why are you acting like this?" Morgan asks.

"I'm sorry...I'm just tired." Reid mumbles and looks down.

Reid hears Morgan sigh. "I'm sorry too kid." He states. "I know this is still hard on you too."

"Thank you..." Reid mumbles.

"Reid, look, I still want you back. I know we are working on this case and everything. But we need to talk about this more." Morgan states.

"Morgan I don't want to talk about this, I want and need to focus on the case. I don't want to get back together Morgan. I broke up with you and that is staying that way." Reid starts going off. "If you have any information about the other families don't call me, either call Hotch or you have Rossi call me." He adds.

"Kid I didn't want to piss you off." Morgan tries to explain but Reid stops him.

"Morgan, we are working on this case. I broke up with you and it's staying that way." Reid states and hangs up.

"Everything okay?" Hotch asks.

"The first family didn't know their daughter was missing." Reid answers, trying to avoid the real answer Hotch wanted.

"So what are you going to do?" Hotch asks, knowing Reid will avoid the real question.

"I dont know. I'm waiting for Rossi to call me about the other family, because then if they didn't know either, it shows that the files have been tampared with, then find the person that tampared with them. Because I'm thinking the unsub did it or someone here is working with the unsub." Reid states looking through the files.

"Reid." Hotch grabs Reids attention. "Are you going to be able to focus on the case?" He asks.

"Yeah. I will be able to focus on the case." Reid answers with his famous awkward grin.

"Alright." Hotch responds. "Prentiss and Emily found a gun at the first dumping sight." Hotch states.

"I thought they cleared the sight?" Reid asks.

"They are getting it tested to see if it was in the victims hands at all or if it was just there." Hotch explains.

"Alright." Reid nods.

Morgan turns to Rossi. "What was that?" Rossi asks.

"What was what?" Morgan asks.

"You are pestering the kid." Rossi states.

"I'm not pestering him." Morgan argues.

"Yeah you are." Rossi states. "What did they say?" He asks.

"Reid thinks someone tampared with the files." Morgan answers.

"So the unsub is someone in the station?" Rossi asks.

"Or someone is working with the unsub." Morgan adds.

"Well we won't know till we gain the details." Rossi points out.

"Yeah." Morgan agrees.

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