Chapter 7: Find Him Now!

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Rossi rushes to where Garcia said Reids phone is. But all hope was up for nothing. Rossi finds the cell phone, but not Reid.

"He threw Reids phone out of the car." Rossi mumbles to himself and calls Hotch.

"You find him already?" Hotch asks.

"No, the unsub threw the cell phone out the window." Rossi answers.

Morgan looks to Hotch, worried. Hotch says nothing but looks like he is about to break someone in half.

"I'm going to shoot the asshole." Hotch mumbles, mostly to himself. Morgan knows the hatred Hotch is feeling, but he knows he needs to keep a level head to find Reid.

Hotch and Morgan arrive at the scene. They meet up with Rossi. "I'm sorry, this is my fault. I shouldn't have turned my back to him." Rossi tries to explain.

"Rossi, don't blame yourself." Hotch states and places a hand on his shoulder. "We will find him."

Rossi turns to Morgan with the same apologitic look. Morgan just nods, knowing if he spoke he would lose it too.

"Reid was taken here?" Hotch asks.

"Yes he was." Rossi answers.

"Just waiting for Garcia to call us for the ID of the owner of the truck." Hotch states and looks around.

"Rossi, why was Reid up here by himself when the scene is down there?" Morgan asks curiously.

"Reid was having his thinking moments and wanted space." Rossi answers.

"Okay." Morgan starts up. "So he was deep in thought. So he wasn't really paying attention." He starts. "But an unmarked truck comes to the scene. Reid being the agent he is, walks up to the truck to tell them they can't be here. The man must have gotten out of the truck and mostly knocked Reid out." Morgan turns to Hotch and Rossi.

"That's basically I guess what happened, because I didn't hear anything until the truck door slams." Rossi explains.

"We will find him." Hotch insists to Morgan. "We will find him."

"I know we will." Morgan growls and walks away.

"Rossi, stay with Morgan, I need to go have a talk with the sherriff around here, ask him to send some of his troops to search for Reid." He explains.

"Yup." Rossi nods and let's Hotch leave.

Reid feels his head pounding as he opens his eyes, but all he can see is darkness. He clears his scratchy throat and tries to move, but feels the restraints holding him to a post. "You're awake." A voice states. Reid hears feet shuffling.

"Where am i?" Reid asks. "Why can't I see anything?"

"Your blindfolded and you are at my hideout." The voice explains. Reid hears a bottle opened. "Have some water." The voice offers, holding the water to Reids lips. Reid takes a few sips of it, coughs from the sudden liquid, clears his throat, and listens for anything else.

"Why did you kidnap me?" Reid asks.

"Because, I know who you are and I know the pain you are going through." The voice explains.

"What?" Reid asks.

"Can't choose between the two men that loves you and that you love." The man explains.

"How did-"

"I've had my eye on you for a long time." The voice interrupts.

Reid then stops talking and hopes that his team, that someone, will find him soon.

"Dont worry, you won't ever have to make a decision like that anytime soon." The voice states.

"Those murders?" Reid asks. "Why?"

"To get you here." The voice answers. "Now if you excuse me." Reid feels the unsub gagging him with a cloth that is tied around him. "I have something to do and someone to pick up." The voice disappears, leaving Reid alone. He tries to get free.

Morgan and Rossi finish talking with the town, asking them if they have seen the truck anywhere. The Garcia calls. "Garcia what took so long for the search?" Morgan asks.

"Sorry, I was confused because when I ran it, it ended up being reported stolen. So that won't help." Garcia states.

"So the person who kidnapped Reid, stolen the truck?" Morgan asks.

"Yup." Garcia answers. "I'm sorry." She states.

"Dont be, you tried. We will find him" Morgan insures and hangs up.

Hotch is driving back to the station, all his thoughts on how he could have let this happen. He doesn't notice the truck following him. He picks up his cell and calls Rossi.

"Yeah?" Rossi answers.

"Anything from Garcia?" Hotch asks.

"She couldn't find the unsub by the truck because the owner of the truck reported it stolen." Rossi answers.

"Damn" Hotch mumbles. Then there's a bump from behind. Hotch drops the cell phone.

"Hotch?" Rossi asks. Theres no answer but he hears a crash. "HOTCH!" Morgan turns around to look at Rossi.

"What's wrong?" Morgan asks.

Hotch is half conscious when he sees the unsub. "You took Reid." He states to the man.

"You must be Hotch." The unsub suggests and knocks him out.

Rossi hears the whole thing and looks to Morgan.

"Hotch has been taken by the unsub." Rossi answers.

Morgan's blood starts to boil. "Where is he?" He asks.

"He didn't say." Rossi answers.

Morgan picks up his cell phone and calls Garcia. "Garcia track Hotch's phone." He orders. "The unsub now has Hotch." He explains.

"What?!" Garcia starts to freak out, the thought of her friends being kidnapped making her hate this job even more. "Okay okay his cell phone says he is a block away from the station." She answers.

"Thank you." Morgan hangs up. "A block away from the station." He states. "Let's move." He hops in the SUV with Rossi.

They drive to where Hotch's car is and sees the damage that has been done. He sees Hotch's phone, but no Hotch.

"The unsub is attacking the team now?" Rossi asks.

"I think that was his goal all along." Morgan states and looks around.

"Well what now special agent?" An officer asks.

"What do we do?" Morgan turns to him in surprise and irritation. "Find him now!"

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