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"Hey Naomi! Wake up!" Naruto says as he shakes me awake.

My eyes shoot open. "What!? I'm trying to sleep!"

"We're late!"

"Oh crap!"

I quickly put on my shoes and grab my kunai. We dash out the door, toppling over each other.

We reach Kakashi, and Sakura.

"Finally!! We've been waiting all day!" Sakura yells.

"Sorry," Naruto and I say in sync.

"Alright, lets get going," Kakashi says, changing the subject. I think I'm his favorite.

"So, tell me again Kakashi senseiu. What exactly are we doing on this mission?" I ask.

"We are assigned to bring this package to the Kazekage of the sand village," Kakashi explains.

"Ya! Alright! Lets go see Gaara," Naruto says in excitement.

We start heading out. It's a good thing it's a nice day. I look over to Naruto and smile. We've been each others best friends for years.

Well... Until Team Kakashi. Ever since we became ninjas we've met lots of people. Naruto smiles back.

Suddenly my arm starts killing me. Last night in the woods I while practicing my elemental jutsu I accidentally hurt my arm trying to perfect my fire.

I DO NOT want Naruto to find out. He'd most likely baby me about it. Ugh, I hate that.

"Alright," Kakashi says, "We're almost to our resting spot. We'll stay there and rest for an hour then we'll be on our way. Keep an eye out for ambushes."

Did I just blank out on a mission? I really need to stop doing that. I hear rustling in the bushes next to me.

A rogue ninja pops out. Damn. I should've sensed him. Wait! They're all around us!

The first rogue ninja attacks. "Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto yells as five clones appear. I pull out my kunai a get reddy for an attack.

Six kunais fly towards me. I dodge and block them all. Kakashi falls to the ground. I spin around to see a black haired rogue ninja running away with the package.

Not even thinking about the dangers I'm putting me, and my teammates through, I run after him.

My mind completely blanks. "Naomi!" Naruto screams. His voice gets farther and farther away. I think my head band just fell off.

I snap back into reality a little to late. I'm all alone. And I just stepped into a trap.

A rope ties it's self around my leg. I fly upward, upside down. My head smacks into the tree the trap is tied to.

Darkness washes over me. I see nothing but pitch blackness.

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