Bits And Pieces

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Naomi's POV:

"Wow, this path is very..... dark," I say in complaint.

"Ya," Deidara agrees.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad!" Tobi says. Just then a snake slithers between his feet.

Tobi screams and jumps onto Deidara, bridal style. I laugh.

"Get off me!" Deidara yells. Deidara attempts to drop Tobi but Tobi squirms and they both fall on their butts.

"Tobi! You're dead!!" Deidara yells. Tobi books it into the darkness, Deidara chasing him. Before I know it I'm all alone in the dark woods.

"Uhhh.. Guys?"


I wait in the same spot for what feels like hours. "Thanks for leaving me all alone in the dark!" I yell, "oh well, I better go find them."

I head in the direction they left. No sign of them at all. "Man, it's really dark..... Tobi! Deidara!"

I go down a small path that leads down to a small field. "Hey look! It's sunny out there. I bet they're hogging all the sun."

I go out into the field. Where the hell are they? I turn around and see two guys that have on the same robes as Deidara and Tobi.

The first one looks like Sasuke and has lines on either side of his nose. Oh ya, he also has the sharingan. Wait... Who's Sasuke?

The second one..... IS A SHARK!?!?!

"Um.... Are you in the art club too?" I ask awkwardly.

"The what?" Fishy Boy asks.

I point at their cloaks and say, "the art club."

"Come on, we don't want to be late," The one with the Sharingan says, turning away.

"Come on Itachi, can't I have a little fun?" Fishy Boy continues, pulling out something that kinda resembles a wrapped up, blue fish stick.

Itachi sighs, "fine but make it quick."

Fishy boy smirks and starts running towards me. I completely freeze. Is he trying to kill me!?!? He lifts up his sword to swing it at me. I see I figure with the same cloak step in between us.


"Stop!" Tobi yells.

"Tobi, what are you doing?" Itachi says.

"Um.... Nothing!! I mean. You really should get going. You don't want Pain to get angry do you?" Tobi hesitates.

"What is the girl to you Tobi?" Itachi asks.

Tobi hesitates as if he doesn't want them knowing I'm his friend. "Nothing! She's some girl! Actually I don't even know her!"

"How do I find it so hard to believe that?" Fishy boy asks.

"She's obviously gonna be a distraction. We might as well kill her now," Itachi orders.

Where the hell is Deidara? I'm so scared I can't even move! Or talk for that matter!

"Right," Fishy Boy says in agreement. He comes after me but Tobi, again, steps in between us. He seems a bit worried, hesitant and scared.

Itachi steps forward and looks strait into my eyes. Crap. That's why I can't move! He raises his hand and slowly lowers it. I start going down to my knees. My body starts to get this burning sensation. Is this really how I'm going to die?

"What are you doing to me?" I ask.

"You're under my Gen jutsu," Itachi answers.

I close my eyes and suddenly, I'm sitting at a ramen shop with Teten, Shikamaru, and Choji.

"Naruto would be pissed if he knew we were here" I say. Who's Naruto?

"Eh, he needs to grow up," Shikamaru points out.

"Haha! Ya, your right!"

I snap back into reality as smoke starts pouring all around us. Deidara. Wait.... I thought he only does explosives...

The Gen jutsu is released. A hand wraps itself around my wrist. I feel someone tug me and we're out of the smoke cloud.

"Deidara. I would've guessed you're a part of this," Itachi says, "there's no use in killing you two. Our numbers are already going down. But the girl we'd gladly kill."

Another white, clay bird swoops down and we hop on it.

"Tobi! Come on, we're leaving un," Deidara orders.

Tobi runs over to us and gets on. Itachi and Fishy boy glares at us. I avoid eye contact from Itachi.

"You're apart of that group? Just who the hell are you," I argue.

"Deidara. I'm just Deidara," he says gloomily.

"No! You're not! You lied about everything!!! The Akatsuki! And what the hell do you look like Tobi! What else have you lied to me about?! I can't trust you anymore-"

Suddenly his lips crash into mine and I blush. What was the purpose of this? Was it to stop me? Or does he truly feel this way.

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