Goodbye and hello

395 21 3

Kiba's POV:

We've been tracking them for hours and their cent is getting weaker and weaker, but I can't tell Naruto that! He's still angry she's with the Akatsuki! And that she attacked us!!

I know what's going on with her but I don't know how. I know she has amnesia because Akamaru sensed it.... It's a good thing Lady Tsunade can use medical ninjutsu to fix her!

We keep jumping and Akamaru barks. "Kiba... I lost her cent..." He says sadly.

I look over to a determined Naruto.


"I know," Naruto interrupts, "I'll still find her." He drops his gaze.

I feel bad for him. His sister, his only friend growing up, is clueless as to who he is and is tied up with the Akatsuki.

"I can sense two people's chakra patterns. They seem to be S ranked criminals. Oh... No!" Hinata says, scared.

"What's wrong Hinata" Kakashi asks.

"It's Itachi."

Naruto's expression tenses. Come on Naruto. Where here to find Naomi, not Sasuke.

"Naruto," Sakura continues, "Lets go."

I take a quick whiff of the air. "Hold on! I can smell Naomi! They've recently come into contact with her!" I say in horror.

Determination washes over Naruto.

"Hold on," Kakashi points out, "we've run in them once before. We know they're extremely skilled and dangerous."

"I don't care. They might know where Naomi is..... And Sasuke. I won't blame you guys if you turn back now. But I'm staying." Kakashi puts a hand on Naruto's shoulder and we all stop.

"I can't let you go into a fight you're not ready for..... So I should stay or Tsunade would kill me," Kakashi says.

"I shall stay and fight as well," Hinata offers.

"Me too," Shino says.

"I guess...." Sakura sighs.

Everyone turns to me. I guess it's my turn. "Naomi's basically my sister! There's no way I'm leaving!" I say with a smirk.

"Right," Naruto says with determination, "Lets go."

We head off in Itachi's direction. I don't smell Naomi's blood on them. If they don't know where she is then we're in trouble!

When we get to where Itachi is we see a guy with a huge sword and is a.... SHARK!!?!

"Where's my sister!?" Naruto yells.

Wow Naruto. Way to be blunt! The shark guy smirks in a way that says, 'I can rip you to shreds', and says, "who?"

"Kisame," Itachi continues, "Deidara and Tobi were with her."

"Oh, that's right." Naruto balls up his fist. "I'm not sure what Deidara and Tobi are doing with that pest. She's nothing but $$& to our plan. The next time I see her she won't be a problem anymore-"

"Kisame, enough," Itachi interrupts.

Oh crap. Naruto is pissed. I better back up. Naruto runs at them and yells, "Rasengan!!"

Kisame takes a step toward Naruto and blocks his Rasengan with his sword. Wait... Is the Rasengan disappearing!?

"A chakra absorbing sword. I should've known. In that case," Kakashi says and uncovers his Sharengan. Shit's about to go down.

Another UzumakiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon