Give It Back

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My eyes snap open as I hear the knock of the door. I yawn and sit up.

"Come in, cause I know you won't listen to me anyway," I state as the shark guy, Kisame walks in.

"Pein wishes to meet with you," he grumbles. He checks me out. "Hey, what's this?" He asks, walking over and lifting up the necklace that Deidara gave me.

"H-Hey!!" I yell in surprise. "That's mine, back off!"

He chuckles. "Let me guess. Deidara gave that to you?" He questions. He bends down and takes up, "you won't be needing this any longer." He states as he begins to walk away.

"Give it back!!!" I yell, chasing after him.

He doesn't bother running away. He knows he's taller than me and can just hold it above my head.

"Don't tease her like that. Just because she's a young girl, doesn't mean she can't kick your ass," Konan states. "Besides, we don't want you releasing the ten tails in our base."

Kisamet growls. "Fine," he says, giving the necklace back. A sigh of relief washes over me as I put it back on.

It's the only thing I have left from him....

"Why are you guys not acting as evil? Are you not an evil organization?" I ask Konan.

"Yes we're evil, but we're not completely uncivilized." She replies, sighing.

Everything suddenly goes all wonky, and there's a loud explosion. Konan frowns and knocks me unconscious.


"Ugh..... My head hurts....."
My eyes flutter open, and I see the ground moving just bellow my head. I look around slowly, my vision blurry, but slowly gaining it's sharpness.

I then come to realization that I am hanging upside down. I look above myself (or bellow..?), to see the shark man from the Akatsuki, carrying me on his shoulder. I don't see any use in calling him by his name, so I will call him Sushi.

Sushi looks down at me and grunts. "I see you're awake," Is all he says to me.

I look ahead to see we're on a path in the middle of the woods. I'm not familiar with this scenery, or plants.

He suddenly picks up his pace, probably meaning we're being followed. I smirk and start squirming around to make things more difficult, also making him growl in annoyance.

"Quit it brat!"

"Ha! Like you'll get me to stop!"

"Watch your-" he suddenly drops me and spins around, using his sword to block Kunai.

A smirk spreads across my lips and I stand up, attacking Sushi from behind. He pushes me back and I grit my teeth.

"Don't ignore me!" I yell in anger. Two leaf village ANBU attack him from the front.

I attempt another attack, and Sushi swats me away like I'm a fly.

"STOP!" I tell viciously, feeling my body heat up, and my thoughts getting cloudy.

They all stop and stair at me. "Well shit." Sushi states.

Sushi's point of view~

I stair at the brat and growl. "Well shit." I mutter, readying my sword as I watch the ten tails cloak take her over, two large tails growing, and then large claws and sharp teeth grow.

She crouches down in a wolf like position, ready to pounce.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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