Worried sick

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Naruto's POV:

"Naomi!" I scream as she dashes off into the woods.

Dammit. It's my fault. I forgot to tell her that in case of an ambush Kakashi would switch the real package for a fake.

I hear Kakashi deal with the last of the rogue ninja.

"Naruto!" He yells, "We have to stay together."

"I have to find Naomi!" I yell back.

I feel something wrap around my waist and pull me back. It's Kakashi.

"Naruto. Those woods are filled with traps. We can't risk another teammate. We'll go back to the village and send out a search team.

I nod in agreement. I hope we'll be able to find her. It was bad enough to loose Sasuke, I'm not gonna loose her too.

"Right. Lets go," I say. We head back to the village, me in the lead.


We finally get back. The sun is starting to go down.

We head to lady tsunade.

"Hey! Naruto! How's it going?" A familiar voice asks. I stop to see who it is. Kiba and Akamaru

"Hey Kiba. Sorry we really have to get going," I say.

"Aw that's to bad. Hey, where's Naomi?" Kiba asks.

"She's lost in the woods. We're here to get a search team to help find her," Kakashi explains.

"Can we join you? Naomi's our friend. And besides, we have nothing better to do, and we're the best at tracking, right Akamaru?" Kiba says. Akamaru barks in agreement.

"Alright! Lets go!" I yell. We start running as fast as we can.

€££€ at lady Tsunade's£€££

"I'm sorry but all of our search and rescue crews are either occupied, sick, or injured," grandma Tsunade says.

My heart drops.

"But we have to find her! I'll go out there myself if I have to!" I yell.

"Hmm. If you can get together your own team I guess you can find her," Grandma Tsunade answers.

My heart starts to beet faster. "Alright! We already have Kiba and Akamaru. All we need is a few more people. Lets go!" I yell.

We speed out the door.

"Hello Naruto," A voice says. I stop and see Shino.

"SHINO QUITE DOING THAT!" Kiba yells as him and Akamaru jump a couple feet into the air.

I look over and see Hinata behind a tree.

"Hey, Hinata. Come over here," I say, motioning to us. I bet she'd come with us.

"Hey Hinata, Shino, will you come with us? We need help finding Naomi. We lost her in the woods," Sakura asks.

"Alright," Hinata says shyly.

"Fine," Shino sighs.

"Alright. We have just enough people. We should head out," Kakashi points out.

He's right. We've waisted enough time already.

I look back at the village. I have to find her. She is my little sister after all. I don't want to fail at bringing her home like I did with Sasuke.

"Kiba, lead the way."


Naomi's POV:

"Oh, Deidara can we please stop somewhere to rest? We've been walking all day and I'm exhausted!" Tobi complains.

"Fine! Whatever it takes to shut you up!" Deidara says.

"Oh boy! Hey look Deidara and Naomi! There's a place up ahead!" Tobi says with enthusiasm.

He speeds off in the direction of the bed and breakfast.

"How can you not get annoyed with him?" Deidara asks.

I shrug. "I guess I'm used to it. I think I grew up near energetic people. I'm not sure though," I answer.

"Welcome," The inn lady says.

We walk in and only get one room, to cut down the cost. A woman brings in a small table of food we ordered.

"Oh goody! Tobi is starving! We've been walking all day! And it looks so scrumptious!" Tobi says.

We sit at the table and start eating. I take a bite of the sushi. It. Is. Delicious!

I giggle. It looks like Tobi is enjoying it. I look over to Deidara. He looks a little unpleased.

"What's wrong Deidara?" I ask.

"Ya! You're not usually that gloomy! Oh! Is it because I called your art a rip off!?" To I asks.

"No! And stop saying that un! It's just... My meat is cold," Deidara admits.

I hold out my hand with a smile. Deidara looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I believe she wants you too hand your meat over Deidara," Tobi points out.

Deidara wearily hands his plate over to me. I set it in front is me. I make a couple hand signs for fire jutsu.

I place my lips a little bit above my fingers and blow toward the plate. A stream of flames goes down and stops at the plate. I pull back and the flames stop.

Deidara and Tobi look a little surprised. "Are you an Uchiha?" Tobi asks.

"A what?" I say, confused. It was just my elemental jutsu.

"An Uchiha. It the last name of the Uchiha clan un. There are little to none left, Itachi Uchiha slaughtered them all," Deidara explains.

"Yup! They all use fire style jutsus," Tobi adds.

"Hmm. I doubt I'm an Uchiha. It's only a fifth of my jutsu. I have elemental jutsu," I say, "well, I'm gonna get to bed. I've had a long day."

"Good night Naomi, See you tomorrow!" Tobi says.

Deidara gets up as well. "We should probably get to bed as well un," Deidara says in agreement to my comment.

Tobi hits the lights and We all lay down to sleep.

"Good night Deidara!!. Good night Naomi!!," Tobi says as he dozes off.

I lay awake for a while. Finally I start to fall asleep. And I enter into a dream. A very unpleasant dream.

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