Guy problems

480 23 2

Naruto's POV:

"Why is Naomi with the akastuki?" Kiba wonders.

"That's a good question," Kakashi says.

"She killed my insects," Shino says gloomily.

"Did Itachi use his Sharingan on her?" I ask.

"Her chakra patterns are normal," Hinata adds.

"She looked at us like she had no clue who we are," Sakura says.

She's right. When I looked at her she looked very confused and like she had no clue who any of us are. It really hurts. My own sister, who I grew up with and was my only friend, has no idea who I am.

"It seemed like she trusts them. I don't think she knows what they do," Sakura points out.

"Ya," Kiba agrees.

"So what do we do?" Hinata asks.

"Well, my guess is we continue following them but not attack. For now we'll observe. See what's really going on," Kakashi says.

"Right! I'll bring her back no matter what it takes," I say, dertermind.

We head out in the direction they were headed. I hope she's ok.


Tobi's POV:

"You lied to us," Deidara says angrily.

"I swear to honest god I didn't lie to you. I literally have no idea who they are. They didn't look to happy though," Naomi answers.

Deidara doesn't look all to happy. I hope he doesn't hurt Naomi. I know she's telling the truth, but if I say anything Deidara will just yell at me.

"I find that hard to believe. Maybe you're a spy."

"How is that even possible? First of all, I didn't even know who you were until you took me down from that trap. And plus, how could I have known you were gonna go down that road, let alone actually help me."

"She has a point," I interrupt. Bad idea.

"Tobi stay out of it!" Deidara yells.

I book it behind a tree, flailing my arms all over the place. I don't want to get blown up again.

"Then why do they want you so badly?" Deidara asks.

"I don't know. Maybe they want me for information or something," Naomi points out.

"Maybe. But I still don't believe you. Come on, they're probably following us," Deidara says. He looks back at me. "Tobi come on!"

"Coming!" I yell as I run to catch up to them.


Naomi's POV:

Wow, Deidara can be an ass sometimes. Although I kinda like him. I wonder if he likes me back. Oh god.... IM A FAN GIRLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MY WORST NIGHTMARE!!!!

Tobi is awesome! He's fun to be around, although I think Deidara thinks he's annoying. He is very energetic. I wonder what's under his mask....

"So.." I continue, "why do you two have matching robes?"

"Well, that's because we're both in the Aka-" Tobi's cut of by being punched by Deidara.

"Don't tell her you idiot un!" Deidara yells.

"Don't tell me what?" I ask, suspicious.

Tobi lifts up a finger. "We used to be in an art club! We kept the robes," Tobi says. Deidara does a full on face palm.

"That's cool," I say. Deidara's eyes light up because I said art is cool.

"Would you three youngsters like to by something?" I hear an old voice say. I turn around to see an old, frail woman pushing a cart that has all kinds of stuff for sale on it. 

"Oooooooo!!! Look Deidara! They have chocolates! Oh how I love chocolate! Can I get one? Oh please Deidara!" Tobi begs.

"No," Deidara says rudely, "you're annoying enough already, you don't need sugar un."

Tobi suddenly looks sad. I pull out my money. "Tobi," I continue, " you can get three chocolates. Deidara, you can get something too. You two have done so much for me already, I owe you this."

Deidara's expression softens. "Don't get me anything un," He demands.

"We'll aren't you grumpy today," I tease.

Tobi gets all happy and starts choosing from a wide variety of chocolates. "Oh boy! Oh, so much much to choose from! Caramel, coconut, mocha, mint, so many choices!!"

"What are you gonna get Naomi?" Tobi asks.

"Um..... I think I'll get a caramel, a coconut, and a mint," I ponder.

"Me too!" Tobi agrees, "Hey! Where'd Deidara go?"

"I don't know. You go find him while I pay for the chocolates."


Tobi's POV:

Why would Deidara disappear? I go to the other side of the cart to find him paying for something.

"Oh, what's that?" I ask, curious, "ooooo is it a present for Naomi!? How cute!!! What is it??"

"No! And none of your damn business un!" Deidara yells.

"Ok! I was just wondering!" I say, putting my hands up in surrender.

We head back over to Naomi. She's sitting on a rock waiting for us. "Come on, lets get going," She says.


Naomi's POV:

I give Tobi his chocolates. Oh. My. God. He has to take off his mask to eat them. Score! I wonder what he looks like.

Me takes one of the chocolates and grips his mask. Both me and Deidara are staring, waiting for him to reveal his face. Dammit. Of course he turns away so we don't see. :(

Oh well, I guess I can live without knowing what he looks like. I put one of the chocolates in 

My mouth. mmmmm these are delicious.

We head up the road. I bet we're close to a town. Maybe even a city. Well, we'll never know till we get there.


Authors note!! i saw a lot of people putting the characters talking to eachother at the end of chapters basicaly about what they think of the chapter, so i decided to try it out. @Kirimi_Uchiha is me speaking.

@Kirimi_Uchiha: AAWWWZZZZ sooooo cute!!!!! i wonder what Deidara got Naomi!

Deidara: Like hell I'm telling you hm.

Naomi: You got me something? Thats soooo sweat of you! 

Deidara: Tobi told you didn't he? That idiot is going to be in peices in a minuet

@Kirimi_Uchihal: Soooooo cute!!!!!!!! It's going to be soooo sad when Deidara dies!!!!!

Deidara: WHAT!?!?!? I DIE?!?!?!?! WHEN?!?!? TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW?!?!?!?

@Kirimi_Uchiha: uhhhhhhh GTG BYE!!!!

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